Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND1432 E85 + U5 1994 Angels / 1
ND1432.F57 J65 2014 Picturing the "pregnant" Magdalene in northern art, 1430-1550 / 1
ND1432.F84 S35 1997 Jenseits der Aufklärung : die religiöse Malerei im ausgehenden Ancien régime / 1
ND1432 G7 + N67 1987 Dominican painting in East Anglia : the Thornham Parva retable and the Musée de Cluny frontal / 1
ND1432.I8 A76 1991 Arte e restauri in Valdarno : [exposition] 18 maggion-7luglio 1991, Figline Valdarno, Vecchio Palazzo Communale / 1
ND1432.I8 A78 2009 The art of devotion : panel painting in Early Renaissance Italy / 1
ND1432.I8 G64 1986 Piety and patronage in Renaissance Venice : Bellini, Titian, and the Franciscans / 1
ND1432.I82 J33 2013eb Votive panels and popular piety in early modern Italy / 1
ND1432 I83 + T37 1987 A Taste for angels : Neapolitan painting in North America, 1650-1750. 1
ND1432.I83 T37 1987 A Taste for angels : Neapolitan painting in North America, 1650-1750. 1
ND1432 J3 + T36 1988 Paintings of the Lotus Sutra / 1
ND1432.K6 K49 2018 The paintings of Korean Shaman Gods : history, relevance and role as religious icons / 1
ND1432.K6 K67 2016 Kōrai butsuga : kaoritatsu sōshokubi = The fragrant sublime : Koryŏ Buddhist paintings / 1
ND1432.K6 S67 1989 The iconography of Korean Buddhist painting / 1
ND1432.M45 G53 1992 Mexican folk retablos / 1
ND1432.M45 +M4 1994 Mexican devotional retablos : from the Peters Collection / 1
ND1432.M46 D87 1995 Miracles on the border : retablos of Mexican migrants to the United States / 1
ND1432.N43 M85 1985 Charity in the Dutch Republic : pictures of rich and poor for charitable institutions / 1
ND1432.R85 V34 2014 V poiskakh istiny : religiozno-filosofskie iskanii︠a︡ russkikh khudozhnikov : Seredina XIX - nachalo XX veka / 1
ND1432.S63 S77 2006 The Virgin, saints, and angels : South American paintings 1600-1825, from the Thoma collection / 1