Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND623.L5 H44 Leonardo, 1
ND623.L5 K43 2018 Living with Leonardo : fifty years of sanity and insanity in the art world and beyond / 1
ND623.L5 L6 Leonardo da Vinci loan exhibition, June 3 to July 17, 1949. 1
ND623.L5 M3253 Het Da Vinci-doek van de Abdij van Tongerlo. 1
ND623.L5 M4 1901 Leonardo da Vinci. 1
ND623.L5 M5 Leonardo da Vinci; 1
ND623.L5 M8 Leonardo da Vinci : artist, thinker and man of science / 1
ND623.L5 M813 Leonardo da Vinci volume 1. 1
ND623.L5 M813 2012eb Leonardo da Vinci. 1
ND623.L5 .M868 2018eb Leonardo Da Vinci - Artist, Thinker, and Man of Science. 1
ND623.L5 M88 Hommage à Léonard de Vinci : exposition en l'honneur du cinquième centenaire de sa naissance. 1
ND623.L5 N38 2011 National Gallery technical bulletin. 1
ND623.L5 N42 Leonardo da Vinci / 1
ND623.L5 N53 1943 Leonardo : 32 Disegni / 1
ND623.L5 O47 2008 Leonardo da Vinci : drawings from the Biblioteca Reale in Turin / 1
ND623.L5 P3 The Codex Huygens and Leonardo da Vinci's art theory. 1
ND623.L5 P413 1982 Leonardo, a study in chronology and style / 1
ND623.L5 P46 Leonardo da Vinci, aspects of the Renaissance genius. 1
ND623.L5 R45 The unknown Leonardo, 1
ND623.L5 R48 The Adoration with two angels, 1