Call Number (LC) Title Results
NE1030 .L56 1889 The masters of wood-engraving, 1
NE1030 .R45 1926 Die clair-Obscur-Schnitte des XVI., XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhunderts : mit 14 lichtdruck-Abbildungen im text und 111 farbigen tafeln in faksimile / 1
NE1030 .W8 1883 A history of wood-engraving, 1
NE1047 .P5 1961 Pictures from a mediaeval Bible. 1
NE1050 .A66 Riesenholzschnitte und Papiertapeten der Renaissance / 1
NE1050 .A84 1929 Woodcuts of the fifteenth century in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1
NE1050 .B7 Catalogue of early German and Flemish woodcuts preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum / 1
NE1052 .G53 2014 Chiaroscuro : Renaissance woodcuts from the collections of Georg Baselitz and the Albertina, Vienna / 1
NE1070 .I47 1982 Illuminierte Holzschnitte der Luther-Bibel von 1534 : eine Bildauswahl / 1
NE1092 .C3 1983 Prints from blocks : Gauguin to now / 1
NE1095 .S25 The new woodcut, 1
NE1095 .S3 The woodcut of to-day at home and abroad; 1
NE1096 .G32 Xylon VI [i. e. six] : Exposition internationale de gravure = Internationale Holzschnittausstellung, 9 décembre 1972-28 janvier 1973. 1
NE1103.A1 R3 Embellished with numerous engravings : the works of American illustrators and wood engravers, 1670-1880 : containing Wood engraving in America / 1
NE1103 .F37 American prints from wood : an exhibition of woodcuts and wood engravings / 1
NE1103 .L76 The history of wood-engraving in America, 1
NE1112.A45 A4 1960 Woodcuts, 1948-1960. 1
NE1112.A52 A4 1873a Illustrations of Mother Goose's melodies. 1
NE1112.A52 B87 1893 Life and works of Alexander Anderson, M. D., the first American wood engraver. 1
NE1112.A52 L67 1872 A memorial of Alexander Anderson, M.D., the first engraver on wood in America. Read before the New York historical society, Oct. 5, 1870. 1