Call Number (LC) Title Results
P1035 .U53 2017 Understanding relations between scripts : the Aegean writing systems / 1
P1036 .C655 2017 Le Guerrier, le Chat, l'aigle, le Poisson et la Colonne Approche Sémiologique, Structurale et Archéologique du Disque de Phaistos. 1
P1036 .M66 2010 Stones that Speak. 1
P1038 +C67 1986 Corpus of Mycenaean inscriptions from Knossos / 1
P1038 .F69 2013 The riddle of the labyrinth : the quest to crack an ancient code / 1
P1039 .S74 2013eb A linguistic history of ancient Cyprus : the non-Greek languages and their relations with Greek, c.1600-300 BC / 1
P1051 .W46 The dialects of ancient Gaul; prolegomena and records of the dialects. 1
P1057 .O273 2020 The Phrygian Language 1
P1078 .B58 1983 The Etruscan language : an introduction / 1
P1081 Ibero-Valenciano : testimonio de los primeros judíos de Sefarad : los textos en ibero-levantino totalmente descifrados y comprensibles / 1
P1081 .J56 2001 Struggle and survival of the pre-Roman languages of the Iberian Peninsula / 1
P1081 +K81 Die mittellateinische Philolgie in den Landern der iberischen Halbinsel. 1
P1081 .P35 2019 Palaeohispanic languages and epigraphies / 1
PA Sophistical Rhetoric in Classical Greece.
Apotheosis of the North : the Swedish appropriation of classical antiquity around the Baltic Sea and beyond (1650 to 1800) /
Aristophanis Fabvlae II.
Hellenistic Oratory : Continuity and Change.
Exemplary Traits : Reading Characterization in Roman Poetry.
Alcuin : achievement and reputation /
PA1 +D3 Dartmouth classical journal. 1
PA1 .D55 Didaskalos. 1
PA1 .P37 Parnassus : classical journal. 1
PA1 .T47 A bibliography of American doctoral dissertations in classical studies and related fields, 1
PA1 .V27 Bibliotheca graeca et latina à l̓usage des professeurs des humanités gréco-latines. 1
PA2 .E8 v. 52 La Poésie wallonne : profils parallèles, visages aimés. 1