Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA3875 .A2 1860 Aristophanis Comoediae / 1
PA3875 A2 +1860 Aristophanus Komodiae kae komodion apospasmtia = Aristophanis Comoediae et deperditarum fragmenta ex nova recensione Guilelmi Dindorf. 1
PA3875 .A2 1902 Aristophanis Comodiae; 1
PA3875 .A2 1923 Aristophane. 1
PA3875 .A2 1924 Aristophanes 1
PA3875 .A2 1930 Aristophanes / 1
PA3875 .A2 1960 Aristophane ... 1
PA3875 .A2 2007 Aristophanis fabulae / 1
PA3875.A2 2007 Aristophanis Fabvlae I. 1
PA3875.A28 K76 Ausgewählte Komödien des Aristophanes, 1
PA3875.A28 S6 1973 The Acharnians [and] The clouds [and] Lysistrata; 1
PA3875.A28 S6 2002 Lysistrata and other plays / 1
PA3875 .A6 1886 The Acharnians of Aristophanes / 1
PA3875 .A6 1901 Aristophanis Acharnenses : cum prolegomenis et commentariis edidit / 1
PA3875 .A6 1905 The Acharnians. 1
PA3875 .A6 1909 The Acharnians, of Aristophanes, with introduction, English prose translation, critical notes and commentary. 1
PA3875 .A6 2002 Acharnians / 1
PA3875.A6 K72 1985 Aristophanes' politische Komödien, Die Acharner, Die Ritter / 1
PA3875 .A8 1849 The Birds of Aristophanes / 1
PA3875 .A8 1904 The Birds / 1