Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA4410.S5 A4 1914eb Adversus dogmaticos : Libros quinque (Adv. mathem. VII-XI) continens / 1
PA4410.S5 A5 1961eb Adversus mathematicos : Libros I-VI contiens / 1
PA4410.S6 C4 1959 The sentences of Sextus; a contribution to the history of early Christian ethics, 1
PA4410.S66 A4 1985 Theophylacti Simocatae epistulae. 1
PA4411 .C37 1999 Economy of the unlost : reading Simonides of Keos with Paul Celan / 1
PA4411 .C37 1999eb Economy of the unlost : reading Simonides of Keos with Paul Celan / 1
PA4411 .N49 2001 The new Simonides : contexts of praise and desire / 1
PA4411.N49 2001 The New Simonides : Contexts of Praise and Desire. 1
PA4411 .P48 2007eb Kommentar zu den simonideischen Versinschriften / 1
PA4411.Z5 M64 1992 Simonides : a historical study / 1
PA4412.S8 L49 2013 Solon the Thinker : Political Thought in Archaic Athens. 1
PA4412.S8 Z53 2003eb Justice as an aspect of the polis idea in Solon's political poems : a reading of the fragments in light of the researches of new classical archaeology / 1
PA4413.A1 V98 Der Leidener Sophoklespalimpsest. Zum ersten Male vollständig Untersucht. 1
PA4413 .A2 1555 [Sophokleous Tragodiai opta, meta scholiōn palaiōn kai pany ōphelimōn]. = Sophoclis Tragœdiæ septem, cum interpretationibus vetustis & valde utilibus ... 1
PA4413 .A2 1568 Sophoclis tragoediae septem vnà cum omnibus graecis scholiis, & cum latinis Ioach. Camerarij. Annotationes Henrici Stephani in Sophoclem & Euripidem, seorsum excusae, simul prodeunt. 1
PA4413 .A2 1669 Sofokleous Tragōdiai 7 = Sophoclis Tragoediæ VII : unà cum ominibus græcis scholiis as calcem adnexis. 1
PA4413 .A2 1745 Hai toū Sophokleous Tragōdiai sōzomenai hepta (romanized form) = Sophoclis Tragoediae quae extant septem : cum versione latina : additae sunt lectiones variantes et notae ... T. Johnson in quatuor tragoedias. 1
PA4413 .A2 1775 Ai tou Sophokleous tragodiai epta = Sophoclis tragoediae septem. Nova versione donatae scholiisque veteribus illustratae : accedunt notae perpetuae, et variae lectiones opera Thomas Johnson. Accessere etiam nunc primum notae selectae et emendationes ex Codd. Variorum Doctorum Virorum, nuper editis. 1
PA4413 .A2 1793 Sophoclis Tragoediæ septem / 1
PA4413 .A2 1800 Sophokleous hai hepta tragōdiai = Sophoclis tragoediae septem / 1