Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA 4452 A2 +1842 Thucydidis historia belli Peloponnesiaci / 1
PA4452 .A2 1855 Thucydidis De bello Peloponnesiaco, libri octo, 1
PA4452 .A2 1877 De bello Peloponnesiaco, libri octo. 1
PA4452 .A2 1882 Thukydides 1
PA4452 .A2 1898 Thucydidis Historiae; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Henricus Stuart Jones ... 1
PA4452 .A2 1919 Thucydides, 1
PA4452 .A2 1942 Thucydidis Historiae; 1
PA4452 .A2 1953 La guerre du Péloponnèse. 1
PA4452 .A2 1954 Thucydidis Historiae : post Carolum Hude / 1
PA4452 .A3 1849 History of the Peloponnesian War, [books I-III]...with notes.../ 1
PA4452 .A3 1858 The history of the Peloponnesian war, 1
PA4452 .A3 1866 The history of the Peloponnesian War / 1
PA4452 .A31 1895 Thucydides. 1
PA4452 .A31 1905 Thucydides, book I. 1
PA4452 .A31 1961 Historiarum liber primus / 1
PA4452 .A32 1891 Thucydides: Book II. 1
PA4452 .A32 1905 Thucydides, books II and III / 1
PA4452 .A32 1961 Der thukydideische Epitaphios; ein stilistischer Kommentar, 1
PA4452 .A33 1894 Thucydides, book III / 1
PA4452 .A34 1879 The capture of Sphacteria : book IV, ch. 1-41 / 1