Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6116 .M8 1950 Les lettres latines; histoire littéraire, principales œuvres, morceaux choisis 1
PA6116 .P6 1955 Latinitas, variorum scripta in Latinum conversa a Ioanne Baptista Gandino, Adulpho Gandiglio aliis. 1
PA6116 .R433 1962 Readings in Church Latin / 1
PA6116 .S6 1891 Latin selections. 1
PA6116 .V8 1958 Römisches Erbe : ein Lesebuch lateinischer Literatur / 1
PA6116 .W9 A book of Latin prose and Latin verse, from Cato and Plautus to Bacon and Milton, 1
PA6116 .W9 1953 A book of Latin prose and Latin verse, from Cato and Plautus to Bacon and Milton, 1
PA6118.F8 W9 Fragments and specimens of Early Latin, 1
PA6118.P49 D67 2023 Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages : Writing, Language, and Creation in the Latin Physiologus, ca. 700-1000. 1
PA6118.P6 S1 Classical associations of places in Italy, 1
PA6118.W66 R66 2015 A Roman women reader : selections from the second century BCE through the second century CE / 1
PA6119 .A5 1985 Silver latin epic : a selection from Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Silius Italicus & Statius / 1
PA6121 .A1 1853 Hymni Latini medii aevi : e codd. mss. / 1
PA6121 .A1 1928 The Oxford book of medieval Latin verse, 1
PA6121 .A1 1959 The Oxford book of medieval Latin verse. 1
PA6121.A1 B93 Hymni Latini Antiqvissimi LXXV, Psalmi III / 1
PA6121.A1 D7 1934 Think upon the cross : from the Medieval Latin Poets / 1
PA6121.A1 P2 1776 Catullo, Tibullo, e Properzio d'espurgata lezione, tradotti dall' ab. Raffaele Pastore. 1
PA6121.A1 R663 1961 Roman love poetry : (selections from Catullus, Tibullus, Sulpicia, Propertius, and Ovid). 1
PA6121 .A2 1627 Corpus omnium veterum poetarum latinorum : secundum seriem temporum, in quinque libros distributum ; Quo continentur, non eorum tantùm poëtarum opera, quae integra, aut penè integra extant, verùm etiam eorum, quorum fragmenta tantùm supersunt. Praefixa est insuper breuis vnicuique poëtarum vita. 1