Call Number (LC) Title Results
PA6307.A4 B474 2006 Political speeches / 1
PA6307.A4 D93 2012 Speeches on behalf of Marcus Fonteius and Marcus Aemilius Scaurus / 1
PA6307.A4 G7 1973 Selected political speeches of Cicero / 1
PA6307.A4 P8 1950 Brutus. On the nature of the gods. On divination. On duties. 1
PA6307.C6 P4 1895 The speech of Cicero in defence of Cluentius. 1
PA6307.M6 D6 1936 Cicero's Milo (in English) / 1
PA6307.P76 S53 2001 Pro Rabirio Postumo / 1
PA6307.R7 Y5 1898 Cicero's defense of Roscius, 1
PA6308.A2 B2 The political works of Marcus Tullius Cicero ... Translated from the original, with dissertations and notes ... 1
PA6308.C2 C78 On old age, and On friendship. 1
PA6308.C2 C8 1959 Cicero on the art of growing old; a translation and subjective evaluation of the essay entitled Cato the elder on old age, 1
PA6308.C2 E2 1896 Cicero's essays on old age and friendship, also his paradoxes; 1
PA6308.C2 P3 1884 De senectute = (on old age) / 1
PA6308.C2 S5 Two essays on old age & friendship / 1
PA6308.D2 W66 2001 On moral ends / 1
PA6308.D5 C6 Tully's three books of offices, in English / 1
PA6308.D5 C6 1901 The Offices / 1
PA6308.D5 E2 1855 Cicero's Three books of offices, or moral duties : also his Cato Major, an essay on old age; Lælius, an essay on friendship; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream; and Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistrate / 1
PA6308.D5 G6 1990 Marcus Tullius Ciceroes thre bokes of duties, to Marcus his sonne, turned oute of latine into english, by Nicolas Grimalde / 1
PA6308.D5 H63 On moral obligation. A new translation of Cicero's De officiis, with introd. and notes, 1