Letters to Eloisa / |
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PQ7371.E79 C56
Cien de las mejores peosias cubanas. |
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PQ7371 .H5
Panorama histórico de la literatura cubana. |
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PQ7371 .L38
La literatura cubana; esquema histoŕico desde sus origenes hasta 1964. |
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PQ7371 .R38 1958
Proceso histórico de las letras cubanas. |
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PQ7371 .R38 1969
Historia de la literatura cubana / |
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PQ 7372 + C6
Catálogo de la colección de la literatura cubana en la Biblioteca Colón / |
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PQ7372 .C86 2011eb
Cuban intersections of literary and urban spaces / |
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PQ7372 .D85 2008eb
Literary passion, ideological commitment : toward a legacy of Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian women writers / |
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PQ7372 .G66 2006
Guarding cultural memory : Afro-Cuban women in literature and the arts / |
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PQ7372 .L67 2008
Imaging the Chinese in Cuban literature and culture / |
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PQ7372 .M67 2011
Afro-Cuban Identity in Post-Revolutionary Novel and Film : Inclusion, Loss, and Cultural Resistance. |
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PQ7372 .P67 1944eb
El contenido social de la literatura cubana / |
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PQ7372 ebook
Espectros y espejismos : Haití en el imaginario cubano / |
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Writing for inclusion : literature, race, and national identity in nineteenth-century Cuba and the United States / |
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Literary culture in Cuba : Revolution, nation-building and the book. |
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PQ7378 .C36 2002
La letra rebelde : estudios de escritoras cubanas / |
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PQ7378 .C82 2002
Cuba, exilio y cultura : memoria del congreso del milenio / |
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PQ7378 .C833 2001
Cuba = Cuba Una Literatura Sin Fronteras = a Literature Beyond Boundaries. |
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PQ7378 .F47 1983
Indice bibliográfico de autores cubanos (diáspora, 1959-1979) : literatura = Bibliographical index of Cuban authors (diaspora, 1959-1979) : literature / |
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