Call Number (LC) Title Results
Pam B5-28 Balázs Kálman, Straub Edit : az V. Ipari Textilművészeti Biennálé díjnyerteseinek kamarakiállítása = Balázs Kálmán, Straub Edit : exhibition of the prize-winners of the 5th Biennial of Industrial Textile Art 1
Pam B5-29 Régi kaukázusi szőnyegek = Alte kaukasische Teppiche = Old Caucasian rugs / 1
Pam B5-30 Colección Jorge Larco : dibujos, grabados y acuarelas [exposición marzo 1960]. 1
Pam B5-31 South African National Gallery, 1871-1971 = Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Kunsmuseum / 1
Pam B5-32 Southwestern Art : a sampling of contemporary painting and sculpture : April 10-May 22, 1960, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. 1
Pam B5-34 The great decade in American writing, 1850-1860 : Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Thoreau, Whitman / 1
Pam B5-35 Large Drawings. 1
Pam B5-36 Just Yesterday : Art Deco Architecture in Worcester, 1924-1951. 1
Pam B5-37 Art Alumni IV : [exhibition at the] University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, October 6-24, 1985 / 1
Pam B5-38 Fit to Print : the Experiencenter, Dayton Art Institute, January 21-May 31, 1992 : a guide to the four basic printmaking processes. 1
Pam B6-01 Drawings by Architects. 1
Pam B6-02 Commentaries : installations and performances : Jo Harvey Allen, Martha Rosler, Theodora Skipitares, Francesc Torres : University of Colorado Art Galleries, Boulder, September 9-October 29, 1983 / 1
Pam B6-03 Light : Object and Image / 1
Pam B6-04 The Faculty Show : University Art Gallery, State University of New York at Binghamton, September 5 - October 19, 1986. 1
Pam B6-05 Ceremony in Celebration of the Opening of the East Building, National Gallery of Art : June 1, 1978, Washington. 1
Pam B6-06 A Century of Women's Costume : 1814-1914. 1
Pam B6-07 The Artists Revealed : 1989 studio faculty exhibition. 1
Pam B6-08 Realisms : [exhibition] Fine Arts Galleries, February 28-April 10, 1988, UWM Art Museum, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee / 1
Pam B6-09 Behind the Screen : Five Video Artists / 1
Pam B6-10 The West Virginia Juried Exhibition, 1983. 1