Call Number (LC) Title Results
Shelan eSp-9401-CD The extended piano. 1
Shelved Alphabetically By Title In Journals Section Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic--cumulative index : vols. XXXI-XL, January 1967-November 1976. 1
Shelved Alphabetically by Title in Journals Section Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics. 1
Shelved By Journal Title Zolpidem "as needed" : a new treatment paradigm : 15th European Sleep Research Society Congress : 12-16 September 2000, Istanbul, Turkey. 1
Shelved by Journal Title Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society.
Advances in heterocyclic natural product synthesis.
Methods in cell biology.
Explaining the kindness of strangers : why we help.
The brain : a look inside.
Parenthood after cancer : today's options and tomorrow's hopes.
Spectral theory of operators : [proceedings of the] Fourteenth School on Operators in Functional Spaces, Novgorod State Pedagogical Institute, 1989 /
Third Siberian Winter School "Algebra and Analysis" : proceedings of the Third Siberian School, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 1989 /
Quality of life assessment in symptom management trials.
Solitons, geometry, and topology : on the crossroad /
Singularity theory and some problems of functional analysis /
Three papers on algebras and their representations /
Sinai's Moscow seminar on dynamical systems /
Quantum algebras and Poisson geometry in mathematical physics /
Nonlinear equations and spectral theory /
Methods of qualitative theory of differential equations and related topics /
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference : adjuvant therapy for breast cancer /
Moscow seminar in mathematical physics /
Contemporary mathematical physics : F. A. Berezin memorial volume /
Mathematics in St. Petersburg /
Sex determination and sexual development /
Topology, geometry, integrable systems, and mathematical physics : Novikov's seminar, 2012-2014 /
Advances in mathematical analysis of partial differential equations /
Selected papers on probability and statistics.
Kirillov's seminar on representation theory /
Functional microbial genomics /
First Siberian Winter School "Algebra and Analysis" : proceedings of the First Siberian School, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, 1988 /
Biomedical ethics and the shadow of Nazism : a conference on the proper use of the Nazi analogy in ethical debate, April 8, 1976 /
Selected papers in K-theory.
Health care systems as research platforms : the Cancer Research Network /
The National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference on Symptom Management in Cancer: Pain, Depression, and Fatigue, Bethesda, Maryland, July 15-17, 2002 /
Lie groups and invariant theory /
Analytic methods in applied probability : in memory of Fridrikh Karpelevich /
The interplay between differential geometry and differential equations /
Thirteen papers in algebra, functional analysis, topology, and probability, translated from the Russian /
Mouse models of developmental genetic disease /
Geometry, topology, and mathematical physics : S.P. Novikov's seminar, 2002-2003 /
First National AIDS Malignancy Conference : proceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, April 28-30, 1997 /
Nonlinear waves and weak turbulence /
The impact of mammography and adjuvant therapy on U.S. breast cancer mortality (1975-2000) : collective results from the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network /
Integrating economic analysis into cancer clinical trials : the National Cancer Institute - American Society of Clinical Oncology economics workbook /
Immunology of infection /
Northern Californa symplectic geometry seminar /
Marine microbiology /
Operator theory and its applications : in memory of V. B. Lidskii (1924-2008) /
Second Siberian Winter School "Algebra and Analysis" : proceedings of the Second Siberian School, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 1989 /
Selected papers on analysis and related topics.
Selected topics in discrete mathematics : proceedings of the Moscow Discrete Mathematics Seminar, 1972-1990 /
Circadian rhythms /
Microbial synthetic biology /
Topics in singularity theory : V.I. Arnold's 60th anniversary collection /
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Directions in Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer /
Topics in quantum groups and finite-type invariants : mathematics at the Independent University of Moscow /
Future directions in epidemiologic and preventive research on human papillomaviruses and cancer : based on a workshop held in Bethesda, Maryland, June 2002 /
Selected papers on number theory and algebraic geometry /
Extremophiles /
Pseudoperiodic topology /
Nonlinear evolution equations /
Partial differential equations : Mark Vishik's seminar /
Selected papers on differential equations and analysis.
Model theory and applications.
Some questions of differential geometry in the large /
Yeast gene analysis /
Taxonomy of Prokaryotes /
Nonlinear partial differential equations and related topics : dedicated to Nina N. Uraltseva /
Selected papers on number theory, algebraic geometry, and differential geometry /
New approaches to prokaryotic systematics /
Methods for analysis of Golgi complex function /
Na channels from phyla to function /
Mucosal injury in cancer patients : new strategies for research and treatment : proceedings of a multidisciplinary conference held in Bethesda, Maryland May 24-25, 2000 /
Topology, ergodic theory, real algebraic geometry : Rokhlin's memorial /
L. D. Faddeev's seminar on mathematical physics /
Gap junctions : molecular basis of cell communication in health and disease /
Differential operators and spectral theory : M. Sh. Birman's 70th anniversary collection /
Dynamical systems in classical mechanics /
Methods of qualitative theory of differential equations and related topics supplement /
Differential and symplectic topology of knots and curves /
Lie groups and symmetric spaces : in memory of F.I. Karpelevich /
Selected papers on classical analysis /
Provability, complexity, grammars /
Applied problems of radon transform /
Concerning the Hilbert 16th problem /
Linear and complex analysis : dedicated to V.P. Havin on the occasion of his 75th birthday /
Topology of real algebraic varieties and related topics /
Selected papers on analysis, probability, and statistics /
Problems of reducing the exhaustive search /
Differential topology, infinite-dimensional lie algebras, and applications : D.B. Fuchs' 60th anniversary collection /
Topics in topology and mathematical physics /
Topics in statistical and theoretical physics : F.A. Berezin memorial volume /
Bacterial genetic systems /
Spectral theory of differential operators : M. Sh. Birman 80th anniversary collection /
Selected papers on harmonic analysis, groups, and invariants /
Ordered sets and lattices II /
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels : physiology and functional diversity /
Geometry of differential equations /
Selected papers on analysis and differential equations.
Asymptotic methods for wave and quantum problems /
Microbial imaging /
Cancer risk communication : what we know and what we need to learn /
Systems biology of bacteria /
Coherent transform, quantization and Poisson geometry /
Spectral theory and differential equations : V.A. Marchenko's 90th anniversary collection /
Geometry, topology, and mathematical physics : S. P. Novikov's seminar, 2006-2007 /
Molecular cellular microbiology /
Cancer outcomes research : the arenas of application /
Current and emerging technologies for the diagnosis of microbial infections /
Lie groups and lie algebras : E.B. Dynkin's seminar /
Moscow seminar on mathematical physics, II /
Wave propagation : scattering theory /
Representation theory, dynamical systems, and asymptotic combinatorics /
Estrogens as endogenous carcinogens in the breast and prostate :b [a symposium held at Westfields International Conference Center, Chantilly Virginia, March 15-17, 1998].
On Dobrushin's way : from probability theory to statistical physics /
Third National AIDS Malignancy Conference : proceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, May 26-27, 1999 /
Voronezh Winter Mathematical Schools : dedicated to Selim Krein /
Selected papers on analysis and differential equations /
Shelved by title Current topics in cellular regulation.
Advances in atomic and molecular physics.
Shelved by Title Advances in physical organic chemistry.
Oceanography and marine biology.
Advances in insect physiology.
Advances in photochemistry.
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics.
Advances in drug research.
Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering.
Organometallic chemistry.
Exposés /
Current topics in developmental biology.
Current topics in membranes and transport.
Transactions of the ... North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.
Amino-acids, peptides, and proteins.
Amino acids and peptides.
Publications mathématiques.
The international review of cell and molecular biology.
Annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure.
Advances in the study of behavior.
Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology.
Annual review of gerontology & geriatrics.
Current topics in membranes.
Annual review of genomics and human genetics.
Progress in molecular biology and translational science.
Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy.
Annual review of energy and the environment /
Annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry.
Annual review of cell and developmental biology.
Amino acids, peptides, and proteins.
Topics in stereochemistry.
Annual review of cell biology.
Annual review of biophysics.
Advances in ecological research.
Annual review of plant biology.
Annual review of physiology.
Methods in enzymology.
Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry.
SI 8.2:EX 8/2 Extension programs catalogue / 1
Silva Classics SILKD 6003 African Sanctus ; Dona nobis pacem : a hymn for world peace / 1
Simax PSC 1042 The Crown Princess Sonja International Music Competition, piano : Oslo, Norway, August 11-19, 1988. 1
Simax PSC 3116 Violin concerto, op. 37 ; Epithalamion : op. 19 ; An die Hoffnung : op. 18, no. 2 ; Piano concerto, op. 44 ; Piano trio, op. 5 ; Serenade for wind quintet, op. 13 / 1
SK14 .H86 2010 Hunting : philosophy for everyone : in search of the wild life / 1
SK14.3 .H875 1996 A hunter's heart : honest essays on blood sport / 1
SK14.3 .H88 2008 Hunting / 1
SK17 The Last of the Market Hunters. 1
SK17.C64 A3 2016 Peregrine spring. 1
SK17.S28 San Antonio man tells tall tale / 1
SK21 .A45 2006eb The royal hunt in Eurasian history / 1
SK21 .B55 1972 Hunting weapons, 1
SK21 .H6 Fair game : a history of hunting, shooting, and animal conservation / 1