U804.G3 H57 1958
Die Waffensammlung: eine Wegleitung |
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U804.G32 D5
Die Waffen der Wartburg : beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Waffen-Sammlung S.K.H. des Grossherzogs Wilhelm Ernst von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach / |
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U804.G32 D738
Turniere : Exponate aus d. histor. Museum zu Dresden / |
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U804.G32 M866 1983
Das Münchner Zeughaus / |
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U804.G7 A76 1951
An exhibition of arms and armour : in Cutlers' Hall, London / |
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U804.G7 M36 1950
The funeral achievements of Edward, the Black Prince. |
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U804.G7 R69 1996
Royal Armouries Museum. |
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U804.G72 C37 2007
The real fighting stuff : arms and armour at Glasgow Museums / |
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U804.G72 L64
The Armouries of the Tower of London / |
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U804.I8 B63 1975
Il Museo Stibbert a Firenze. |
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U804.I82 R443 1984
Armi antiche delle raccolte civiche reggiane : Galleria Fontanesi, Galleria Anna e Luigi Parmiggiani ... / |
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U804.N42 D4527 2010
Arms and armour of knights and landsknechts in the Netherlands Army Museum = Wapens van ridders en landsknechten in het Nederlands Legermuseum / |
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U804.S27 C27 1969
A guide to the arms and armour collection in Cesta Castle, San Marino : including a complete catalogue of all items, a brief history of the castle, and an introductory essay on the evolution of both firearms and edged weapons / |
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U804.S72 B375
Museo-Armeriá de D. José Estruch y Cumella : reproduccioń fototiṕica de los ejemplares maś notables que en eĺ se conservan. |
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U804.S82 S565 1984
Wrangel's armoury : the weapons Carl Gustaf Wrangel took from Wismar and Wolgast to Skokloster, in 1645 and 1653 / |
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U804.S9 S39 1890
Zürich und das Schweizerische Landes-Museum. |
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U804.U6 R83 1928
The Rudolph J. Nunnemacher collection of projectile arms / |
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U804.U62 +C495 1995
Arms and armor in the Art Institute of Chicago / |
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U804.U62 R63 1935
Notes on arms and armor / |
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U805 .A53 2013
Reconstructing ancient linen body armor : unraveling the linothorax mystery / |
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