Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z1921.L7 .W3 1935 A bibliography of the belles-lettres of Venezuela, 1
Z2000 .D63 2013 Documenting the Early Modern Book World : Inventories and Catalogues in Manuscript and Print. 1
Z2001.A2 L57 2000 Literature in English : a guide for librarians in the digital age / 1
Z2002 .A43 Titles of English books and of foreign books printed in England : an alphabetical finding-list by title of books published under the author's name, pseudonym or initials / 1
Z2002 .B6 1980 Books printed in England before 1640 : a descriptive catalogue of nine hundred and sixty four facsimile editions now available for immediate delivery. 1
Z2002 +E58 The English experience series, groups I-VI : cumulative title list / 1
Z2002 .P7 1950 A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640, 1
Z2002 +P77 1976 A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 / 1
Z2002 .U58 The Countesse of Lincolnes nurserie.
Some thoughts concerning education.
A report of the kingdome of Congo, a region of Africa : And of the countries that border rounde about the same. 1. Wherein is also shewed, that the two zones torrida & frigida, are not onely habitable, but inhabited, and very temperate, contrary to the opinion of the old philosophers. 2. That the blacke colour which is in the skinnes of the Ethiopians and Negroes &c. proceedeth not from the sunne. 3. And that the Riuer Nilus springeth not out of the mountains of the Moone, as hath been heretofore beleeued: together with the true cause of the rising and increasing thereof. 4. Besides the description of diuers plants, fishes and beastes, that are found in those countries /
Barbarian cruelty : being a true history of the distressed condition of the Christian captives under the tyranny of Mully Ishmael, Emperor of Morocco, and King of Fez and Macqueness in Barbary : in which is likewise given a particular account of his late wars with the Algerines, the manner of his pirates taking the Christians and others, his breach of faith with Christian princes, a description of his castles and guards, and the places where he keeps his women, his slaves and negroes : with a particular relation of the dangerous escape of the author and two English men more from thence, after a miserable slavery of ten years /
Here begynneth a lytell cronycle : translated [and] imprinted at the cost [and] charges of Rycharde Pynson. by the co[m]maundement of the ryght high and mighty prince, Edwarde duke of Buckingham, yerle of Gloucestre, Staffarde, and of Northamton.
Z2002 +W76 Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700. 1
Z2002 +W76 1994 Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 / 1
Z2005 +T5 The Times literary supplement index. 1
Z2011 .A6 1936 Annals of English literature, 1475-1925 : the principal publications of each year together with an alphabetical index of authors with their works. 1
Z2011 .E7 The sources of English literature, a bibliographical guide for students, Sandars lectures 1926, 1
Z2011 .W4 English masterpiece course, 1
Z2012 .F83 Beowulf, and The fight at Finnsburh; a bibliography 1
Z2012 .H3 1952 William Pyle Philips collection in the Haverford College Library, an introductory essay and a descriptive catalogue to his rare books. 1
Z2012 .N5 1939 English books & books printed in England before 1641, in the Newberry library; a supplement to the record in the short title catalogue, 1
Z2012 +W37 1984 Eighteenth century titles in Special Collections and Archives Department, University of Kentucky Libraries / 1
Z2012 .W9 Biographia britannica literaria; or, Biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order. 1