Call Number (LC) Title Results
1344 CD Return to Russia 1
1345 CD Platero & I and other works / 1
1346 CD John Adams conducts American elegies 1
1347 Il ritorno di Tobia 1
1347 CD Gloria / 1
1348 Madrigals / 1
1348 CD The three piano concertos / 1
1349 CD Pulcinella ; Danses concertantes 1
1350 CD Orchestral suites 1
1351 CD Rosi & Toni Grunschlag 1
1352 CD Die sieben Todsünden = The seven deadly sins = Les sept peches capitaux ; Kleine Dreigroschenmusik = Little threepenny music = Petite musique de quat'sous / 1
1353 CD Speculum Musicae 1
1354 Veni sponsa Christi : plainchant, motet [and] Mass ; Hymns and motets / 1
1354 CD Guys and dolls : [a musical fable of Broadway / 1
1355 CD Sierra & other works / 1
1356 The Historic organ: Holland. 1
1356 CD No Jerusalem but this ; Divertimento for brass quintet / 1
1357 Historische orgeln der Schweiz. 1
1357 CD Elisabeth Schwarzkopf recital 1
1358 CD Music of Shulamit Ran. 1