B2430.A474 A64613 1993
The future lasts forever : a memoir / |
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B2430.A474 A6525 2016
Althusser and theology : religion, politics, and philosophy / |
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B2430.A474 E55 2006eb
Althusser : the detour of theory / |
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B2430.A474 L34 2009eb
Politics and philosophy : Niccolo Machiavelli and Louis Althusser's aleatory materialism / |
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B2430.A474 M78 1992
Louis Althusser : une biographie / |
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B2430.A474 S65 1984
Reading Althusser : an essay on structural Marxism / |
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B2430.A474 S68 2020
A philosophy for communism : rethinking Althusser / |
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B 2430 B11e
Ètudes. |
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B2430.B11 P66
De l'Imagination poétique dans l'œuvre de Gaston Bachelard. |
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B2430.B253 F5613 1988
The flame of a candle / |
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B2430.B253 F5813 1990
Fragments of a poetics of fire / |
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B2430.B253 P63
The poetics of space. |
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B2430.B253 P63 1969
The poetics of space. |
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B2430.B253 P63 1994
The poetics of space / |
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B2430.B253 P6318 1975
La poética del espacio / |
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B2430.B254 .S738 2013
Grands philosophes : bachelard (fiche philosophe). |
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B2430 .B27113 2008eb
Conditions / |
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Badiou and indifferent being : a critical introduction to Being and event / |
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B2430.B273 E8733 2014eb
Badiou's Being and event and the mathematics of set theory / |
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B2430.B273 E875 2009eb
Badiou's Being and event : a reader's guide / |
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