Call Number (LC) Title Results
B3583 .M66 1985 Vico in the tradition of rhetoric / 1
B3583 .N33 2011eb Vico and Naples : the urban origins of modern social theory / 1
B3583 .P56 2013eb The conspiracy of the Prince of Macchia & G.B. Vico / 1
B3583 .T115 A bibliography of Vico in English, 1884-1984 / 1
B3583 .T12 1969 Giambattista Vico : an international symposium / 1
B3583 .V45 Vico's science of imagination / 1
B3583 .V53 1944eb The Autobiography of Giambattista Vico. 1
B3583.V53 A33 1991 The new art of autobiography : an essay on the Life of Giambattista Vico, written by himself / 1
B3583 .V534 1983 Vico and Marx, affinities and contrasts / 1
B3601.B66 2012 From Kant to Croce : Modern Philosophy in Italy 1800-1950. 1
B3601 .C8 Lezioni di filosofia ordinate allo studio delle altre scienze : parte speculativa / 1
B3601 .C8 8 Institutiones philosophiae speculativae ad mentem Sancti Thomae Aquinatis. 1
B3601 .C9 Contemporary thought of Italy, 1
B3601 .F514 1988 La sécularisation de la pensée / 1
B3601 .H69 Geschichte der italienischen Philosophie von den Anfängen des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart. 1
B3601 .P1 Institutiones philosophicae, 1
B3601 .R4 1988 Recoding metaphysics : the new Italian philosophy / 1
B3601 .S3 Institutiones philosophicae ad mentem Aquinatis. Tribus voluminibus iam evolutae ab eodem auctore nuper in Compendium redactae. 1
B3609.I3 Thought thinking : the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile / 1
B3609.P7 .M333 2021 The Italian Pragmatists Between Allies and Enemies. 1