Call Number (LC) Title Results
B839 .S57 2018 So What's New About Scholasticism? : How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century / 1
B839 .S7 1937 Scholasticism, the philosophy of common sense, 1
B839 .W9 1927 The scholastic philosophy explained / 1
B839 .W95 1956 Summary of scholastic principles. 1
B839 .Z9 Present-day thinkers and the new scholasticism; an international symposium, 1
B839 .Z9 1927 Present-day thinkers and the new scholasticism; an international symposium, 1
B839 ǂb K65 2003eb Being and Some Twentieth-Century Thomists. 1
B839 ǂb M395 1994eb Neo-Thomists. 1
B840 The True and the False : the Domain of the Pragmatic.
Semantics, metasemantics, aboutness /
Subjectivity and perspective in truth-theoretic semantics /
Meaning, Understanding, and Practice : Philosophical Essays.
Context and the attitudes : meaning in context.
B840 .A94 1989 Meaning and mind : an examination of a Gricean account of language / 1
B840 .A99 2013eb Semantic perception : how the illusion of a common language arises and persists / 1
B840 .B62 The labyrinth of language. 1
B840 .B62La Language and philosophy. 1
B840 .B67 2007 Magical criticism : the recourse of savage philosophy / 1
B840 .B67 2007eb Magical criticism : the recourse of savage philosophy / 1
B840 .B8 1969 A rhetoric of motives. 1
B840 B840 .Q47 2007eb B840.Q47 2007 Questions in Dynamic Semantics, Volume 17. 1
B840 .C3 1947 Meaning and necessity, a study in semantics and modal logic, 1
B840 .C36 Philosophy and ordinary language. 1
B840 .C58 1991 The semantic tradition from Kant to Carnap : to the Vienna station / 1