Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF The art of psychotherapy ; When Nietzsche wept /
Understanding play behavior and themes in play therapy /
The play therapists' language of change : releasing children's creative capacities /
Child-centered play therapy : a clinical session /
The guaranteed cure of a case of anorexia/bulimia /
Handbook of Personality at Work.
Irony Through Psychoanalysis.
Developmental influences on adult intelligence : the seattle longitudinal study.
Causal models : how people think about the world and its alternatives.
Group dynamics and emotional expression.
Advances in psychology research.
This way madness lies : the asylum and beyond /
Evolution and consciousness : from a barren rocky earth to artists, philosophers, meditators and psychotherapists /
Formulación y Tratamiento Psicológico en el Siglo XXI
La Memoria de Los Testigos
El Proceso Emocional Tras el Diagnóstico Por VIH
La psicología aplicada en la diplomacia.
BF1-990 AI in learning : designing the future /
Einstein's brain : genius, culture, and social networks /
Seasonal Affective Disorder and Light Therapy : Using Human-Centered Design to Treat Winter Depression /
Facets of an academic's life : a memoir /
Corporate psychopathy : investigating destructive personalities in the workplace /
Conspicuous employment : theory, measurement, and consequences of prestigious employer preference /
Cultural intelligence in the world of work : past, present, future /
Schizophrenia treatment outcomes : an evidence-based approach to recovery /
Reading Lacan's Seminar VIII : Transference /
Cross-fertilizing roots and routes : identities, social creativity, cultural regeneration and planetary realizations /
Using English Words /
The Happy Mind.
Handbook of missing persons /
The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky : the Fundamentals of Defectology (Abnormal Psychology and Learning Disabilities) /
The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky : Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology /
The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky : Scientific Legacy /
The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky : the History of the Development of Higher Mental Functions /
Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Methodology : Theoretical and Empirical Considerations /
Mental health and addiction care in the Middle East /
Ego Identity : a Handbook for Psychosocial Research /
Epistemological Foundations of Mathematical Experience /
BF1 +C7 Contemporary psychology. 1
BF1 .H33 1955 The Harvard list of books in psychology, 1
Your match would be here.
BF1 .M3 1923 A study of the moral development of children, 1
BF1 .P47 2008eb Persistence / 1
BF1 .P974i v.1 no.2 Studies in remembering; the reproduction of connected and extended verbal material. 1
BF1 .P974i v.1 no.3 On perception, event structure, and psychological environment; selected papers. 1
BF1 .P974i v.2 no.3 Preconscious stimulation in dreams, associations, and images; classical studies, 1
BF1 .P974i v.2 no.4 Personality organization in cognitive controls and intellectual abilities, 1
BF1 .P974 v. 53 no. 2 Abstract and concrete behavior; an experimental study with special tests, 1
BF1 .T66 A checklist of serials in psychology and allied fields, 1
BF11 .A5 Selected papers from the ACPA meetings. 1
BF 11 A5t 1960 Three joint symposia from the ACPA-APA meetings of 1957, 1958, 1959. 1
BF11 +A52 Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. 1
BF11 .A68 1992 The American Psychological Association : a historical perspective / 1
BF20 .B35 1971 Multivariate analysis and psychological theory, 1
BF20 .F57 2003 Flourishing : positive psychology and the life well-lived / 1
BF20 .M3 1972 The MacLeod symposium, June 2-3, 1972. 1
BF20 +S63 Handbook of Soviet psychology; prepared for the International Congress of Psychology, Moscow, USSR, August 4-11, 1966, 1