Call Number (LC) Title Results
BF201 Narrativity in cognition /
Humanity in psychology the intellectual legacy of Pina Boggi Cavallo /
Constructing reality : the "operationalization" of Bateson's conjecture on cognition /
Embodied hot cognitive vulnerability to emotional disorders : from theory to treatment /
Rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral approaches to child and adolescent mental health : theory, practice, research, applications /
Body sensations : the conscious aspects of interoception /
Consciousness in flesh : an unapologetic phenomenological study /
Motivation and desire : a new way to think about why we do everything and its basis in neuroscience /
Cognitive sciences and education in non-WEIRD populations : a Latin American perspective /
Showing time : continuous pictorial narrative and the Adam and Eve story : in memory of Alberto Argenton /
Lines of thought : central concepts in cognitive psychology /
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity.
Evolution and the Psychology of Thinking : the Debate.
Cybercognition : brain, behaviour and the digital world /
L'école du cerveau : de Montessori, Freinet et Piaget aux sciences cognitives /
BF201 .A66 2011 Mindreaders : the cognitive basis of "theory of mind" / 1
BF201 .A66 2011eb Mindreaders : the cognitive basis of "theory of mind" / 1
BF201 .A88 2012 Attention, Representation, and Human Performance : Integration of Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation. 1
BF201 .C64 1989 Cognitive psychology / 1
BF201 .C64 1993 Cognitive psychology applied / 1
BF201 .C64 2021 Cognitive training : an overview of features and applications / 1
BF201 .C66 2009eb Cognitive psychology research developments / 1
BF201 .C67 2016eb Core knowledge and conceptual change / 1
BF201 .D464 2015eb Dementia : a public mental health priority. 1
BF201 .E945 2005 Experimental cognitive psychology and its applications / 1
BF201 .F68 2002eb Foundations of cognitive psychology : core readings / 1
BF201 +G65 2019 Cognitive psychology : connecting mind, research, and everyday experience / 1
BF201 .H36 2021 Handbook of embodied psychology : thinking, feeling, and acting / 1
BF201 .H55 2016 Cognitive psychology for dummies / 1
BF201 .K38 2023 Cognitive operations : models that open the black box and predict our decisions / 1
BF201 .L36 1999eb Language, logic, and concepts : essays in memory of John Macnamara / 1
BF201 .M45 2006eb Mental models and the mind : current developments in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind / 1
BF201 .M55 2022 Advanced theory of mind / 1
BF201 .M63 2020 Mobilites and human possibility / 1