Call Number (LC) Title Results
BL262 .H6 Religious lectures on peculiar phenomena in the four seasons. 1
BL262 .K9 1922 Notes of a Catholic biologist, 1
BL262.T36 2009eb Faith, Reason, and the Natural Sciences : the Challenge of the Natural Sciences in the Work of Theologians. 1
BL263 Why evolution matters : a jewish view /
Uncommon Dissent : Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing.
The Not-So-Intelligent Designer : Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not /
BL263 .A42 1925 Bryan and Darrow at Dayton : the record and documents of the "Bible-evolution trial" / 1
BL263 .A85 2020 Asian religious responses to Darwinism : modern evolutionary theories in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian cultural contexts / 1
BL263 .B334 2019 Und Gott erschuf die Evolution : Wissenschaftliche Überlegungen zu Urknall, Evolution und menschlichem Bewusstsein. 1
BL263 .C774 1994 Back to Darwin : the scientific case for Deistic evolution / 1
BL263 .D7 Darwinism and Catholic thought / 1
BL263 .D767 2009 Thank God for evolution : how the marriage of science and religion will transform your life and our world / 1
BL263 .E93 The Evolving world and theology. 1
BL263 .E96 2000 Evolution and faith / 1
BL263 .F7 1961 Evolution and Christians. 1
BL263 .G25 Preachers, pedagogues & politicians; the evolution controversy in North Carolina, 1920-1927, 1
BL263 .G4 Evolution and Christianiy. 1
BL263 .G65 The biological basis of religion and genius. 1
BL263 .H34 Changing man: the threat and the promise; five scientists and five theologians on Christian faith and evolutionary thought. 1
BL263 .H47 2009 Of apes and ancestors : evolution, Christianity, and the Oxford debate / 1
BL263 .H9 1965 God in creation and evolution 1
BL263 .L14 Evolutionary theory and Christian belief: the unresolved conflict. 1