Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR115.P7 D86 2005eb St. Augustine of Hippo : the Christian transformation of political philosophy / 1
BR115.P7 +E38 1986 Education for citizenship and discipleship / 1
BR115.P7 E543 1987 Christian anarchy : Jesus' primacy over the powers / 1
BR115.P7 E57 2008 Empires of religion / 1
BR115.P7 E82 1984 Essays on Christianity and political philosophy / 1
BR115.P7 F27 1990 Faith and identity : Christian political experience : papers read at the Anglo-Polish colloquium of the British Sub-Commission of the Commission internationale d'histoire ecclésiastique comparée, 9-13 September 1986 / 1
BR115.P7 F4713 The militant gospel : a critical introduction to political theologies / 1
BR115.P7 F57 Politics, poker & piety; a perspective on cultural religion in America 1
BR115.P7 F746 1999 From Irenaeus to Grotius : a sourcebook in Christian political thought, 100-1625 / 1
BR115.P7 G28 1999 Gereja dan reformasi : pembaruan gereja menuju Indonesia Baru / 1
BR115.P7 G3 1963 Piety and politics: American Protestantism in the world arena. 1
BR115.P7 G55 2007 God and country? : diverse perspectives on Christianity and patriotism / 1
BR115.P7 G59 Trial of faith : religion and politics in Tocqueville's thought / 1
BR115.P7 G62 The demands of freedom. 1
BR115.P7 H26 1992 Church, state, morality and law / 1
BR115.P7.H468 2018 Liturgical Power : Between Economic and Political Theology. 1
BR115.P7 H54 1982 The new religious political right in America / 1
BR115.P7 H55 2013 Christianity and the political order : conflict, cooptation, and cooperation / 1
BR115.P7 H6 Histoire de la démocratie chrétienne. 1
BR115.P7 H8 1943 Nations as neighbors; an essay in Christian politics, 1