Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR162 .B9 The Apostolic Fathers ... 1
BR162 .C3 The church and the Roman empire / 1
BR162 .C5 A history of the Christian church during the first six centuries. 1
BR162 .D2 1954 A history of the medieval church, 590-1500, 1
BR162 .D8 Early history of the Christian church, from its foundation to the end of the fifth century, 1
BR162 .D8 1909 Early history of the Christian church : from its foundation to the end of the fifth century / 1
BR162 .F4 1959 Antioche païenne et chrétienne; Libanius, Chrysostome et les moines de Syrie. 1
BR162 .F5 Lectures on ecclesiastical history : including the origin and progress of the English reformation from Wycliffe to the Great Rebellion. Delivered in the University of Dublin / 1
BR162 .F6 The rise of the mediaeval church and its influence on the civilisation of western Europe from the first to the thirteenth century, 1
BR162 .F8 1903 Les origines du Christianisme ; pages choisies du Cours d'éloquence sacrée, mises en ordre par l'Abbé Emmanuel Barbier. 1
BR162 .G29 1920 Das Christentum im kampf und ausgleich mit der griechisch-Römischen Welt. Studien aus seiner Werdezeit, 1
BR162 .G9 A manual of church history : ancient church history, comprising the first six centuries / 1
BR162 .H8 A history of the church; an introductory study, 1
BR162 .H8 1947 A history of the church / 1
BR162 .L4 La vie chrétienne primitive. 1
BR162 .L6 1946 England and the continent in the eighth century ; the Ford lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in the Hilary term, 1943 / 1
BR162 .M6 History of Latin Christianity : including that of the popes to the pontificate of Nicolas V. / 1
BR162 .M6 2 History of Latin Christianity : including that of the popes to the pontificate of Nicholas V / 1
BR162 .M6 7 History of Latin Christianity; including that of the Popes to the pontificate of Nicolas V. 1
BR 162 M6h The history of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman empire. 1