Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1429 .BS1429 2010 Expositions of the Psalms. 1
BS1429 .E72 Expositions of the Psalms / 1
BS1429 .E976 1997 Expositions of the Psalms : Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 63. 1
BS1429 .H37 2015eb The harp of prophecy : early Christian interpretation of the Psalms / 1
BS1429 .H54 2008 Commentaires sur les Psaumes / 1
BS1429 .I24 2009eb Abraham Ibn Ezra's commentary on the first book of Psalms : chapter 1-41 / 1
BS1429 .I26 2009eb Abraham Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Second Book of Psalms : chapter 42-72 / 1
BS1429 .O7514 1995 Homélies sur les Psaumes 36 à 38 / 1
BS1429 .T44 2000 Commentary on the Psalms / 1
BS1429 .T44 2001 Commentary on the Psalms. 1
BS1430 .B6 A commentary on the Psalms. 1
BS1430 .B98 The Psalms; chronologically treated with a new translation. 1
BS1430 +C3 1519 Cassiodori clarissimi Senatoris Romani doctissima et religiosissima Psalterij Dauidici expositio : q[uam]plurima enucleans, que vel idioma aliquod diuino eloquio propriu[m], vel dogma singulare, vel diffinitione[m], vel schema, vel etymologiam, vel interpretatione[m], vel rhetoricum, logicu[m], arithmeticu[m], geometricu[m], musicu[m], aut astronomicum aliquid contineant. Parisius solerti cura nouiter impressa. 1
BS1430 .D3 Biblical commentary on the Psalms / 1
BS1430 .H54 1988 Commentaire sur le psaume 118 / 1
BS1430 .K14 1961 Herder's commentary on the Psalms. 1
BS1430 .K5 The book of Psalms, 1
BS1430 .K6 Commentarius in Psalmos / 1
BS1430 .L6 1958 Reflections on the Psalms. 1
BS 1430 L6 1958b Reflections on the Psalms. 1