Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1830.J8 V374 2018 Jubilees : a commentary on the book of Jubilees / 1
BS1830.J8 V3745 2020 Jubilees : the Hermeneia translation / 1
BS1830.O3 A3 1973 The odes of Solomon. 1
BS1830.O4 L37313 2009 Odes of Solomon : a commentary / 1
BS1830.O73 B42 1985 A formcritical study of selected Odes of Solomon / 1
BS1830.P22 4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Jeremiou) / 1
BS1830.P7 A1 2007eb The Psalms of Solomon : a critical edition of the Greek text / 1
BS1830.P73 The Psalms of Solomon : language, history, theology / 1
BS1830.P73 A85 2004 I cried to the Lord : a study of the Psalms of Solomon's historical background and social setting / 1
BS1830.P73 K55 2007 The Jerusalem tradition in the Late Second Temple period : diachronic and synchronic developments surrounding Psalms of Solomon 11 / 1
BS1830.P73 P68 2021 The Psalms of Solomon : Texts, Contexts, and Intertexts / 1
BS1830.T17 S78 1989 Studies on the Testament of Job / 1
BS1830.T32 Abraham Meets Death : Narrative Humor in the Testament of Abraham. 1
BS1830.T32 A45 2003eb Testament of Abraham / 1
BS1830.T32 S76 2012eb Armenian apocrypha relating to Abraham / 1
BS1830.T4 G7 1964 Testamenta XII patriarcharum. 1
BS1830.T5 H6 The testaments of the twelve patriarchs : a commentary / 1
BS1830.T5 H85 L'eschatologie des Testaments des douze patriarches / 1
BS1830.T5 K84 2001eb The testaments of the twelve patriarchs / 1
BS1901 1586 Nouum Iesu Christi D.N. testamētum : Ad Christianiss. Galliae et Poloniae regem Henricum III. potentiss. et inuictiss. principem, Christianae religionis vindicem et assertorem unicum. 1