Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2341 .P5 1925 Human nature and the gospel, 1
BS2341 .S3 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : translated from the original Greek with original notes and practical observations / 1
BS2341 .S7 1885 The spirit of the New Testament ; or, The Revelation of the mission of Christ / 1
BS2341.2 .H34 The new English Bible, companion to the New Testament, 1
BS2341.2 .H44 1995 Hellenistic commentary to the New Testament / 1
BS2341.2 .K8 The four Gospels / 1
BS2341.2 .M18 Guide for the Christian assembly: a background book of the Mass day by day 1
BS2341.2 .M18 1971 Guide for the Christian assembly 1
BS2341.52 .C374 2013 The New Testament : methods and meanings / 1
BS2341.52 .O54 2010 One volume Dalit Bible commentary : New Testament / 1
BS2341.52 .O62 2012 On the Writing of New Testament Commentaries : Festschrift for Grant R. Osborne on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. 1
BS2341.52 .T78 2007 True to our native land : an African American New Testament commentary / 1
BS2350 .B35 1992 History of New Testament research / 1
BS2350 .B46 1983 Humanists and Holy Writ : New Testament scholarship in the Renaissance / 1
BS2350 .B87 Biblical tendencies today; an introduction to the post-Bultmannians 1
BS2350 .E85 2013eb Beyond Biblical theology : sacralized culturalism in Heikki Räisänen's hermeneutics / 1
BS2350 .H33 The Tübingen School / 1
BS2350 .H94 1951 Interpreting the New Testament, 1900-1950. 1
BS2350 .K45 2002 Racializing Jesus : race, ideology and the formation of modern biblical scholarship / 1
BS2350.K45 2002eb Racializing Jesus : Race Ideology and the Formation of Modern Biblical Scholarship. 1