Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2585.5 .F68 1991 Let the reader understand : reader-response criticism and the Gospel of Mark / 1
BS2585.5 .M33 2000 The Homeric epics and the Gospel of Mark / 1
BS2585.5 .T49 1993 A critical concordance to the Gospel of Mark / 1
BS2585.52 Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics and the discourse of Mark 13 : appropriating the apocalyptic / 1
BS2585.52 .B47 2014 The Reign of God is Such as These : a Socio-Literary Analysis of Daughters in the Gospel of Mark. 1
BS2585.52 .B53 2012 The disciples according to Mark : Markan redaction in current debate / 1
BS2585.52 .B749 2021 The Gospel According to Mark As Episodic Narrative 1
BS2585.52 .C37 2009eb Jesus' cry from the cross : towards a first-century understanding of the intertextual relationship between Psalm 22 and the narrative of Mark's Gospel / 1
BS2585.52 .C38 2019 Mark / 1
BS2585.52 .C48 2015 Postcolonial discipleship of embodiment : an Asian and Asian American feminist reading of the gospel of Mark / 1
BS2585.52 .C735 2004eb The date of Mark's Gospel : insight from the law in earliest Christianity / 1
BS2585.52 .D4 2003eb "But it is not so among you" : echoes of power in Mark 10.32-45 / 1
BS2585.52 .D87 2008 The power of disorder : ritual elements in Mark's passion narrative / 1
BS2585.52 .D87 2008eb The power of disorder : ritual elements in Mark's passion narrative / 1
BS2585.52 .F85 2007 Resurrection in Mark''s Literary-Historical Perspective. 1
BS2585.52 .G52 The Temptations of Jesus in Early Christianity. 1
BS2585.52 .H375 2012eb Prepare the way of the Lord : towards a cognitive poetic analysis of audience involvement with characters and events in the Markan world / 1
BS2585.52 H38 2002eb In search of a context : the function of scripture in Mark's narrative / 1
BS2585.52 .H834 2020 Reading Mark's gospel as a text from collective memory / 1
BS2585.52 .I53 2003eb The Gospel to the Romans : the setting and rhetoric of Mark's Gospel / 1