Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS475 .N56 The right and wrong uses of the Bible, 1
BS475 .R6 Guide to the Bible : an introduction to the study of Holy Scripture / 1
BS475 .R6 1960 Guide to the Bible; an introduction to the study of Holy Scripture. 1
BS 475 R6i Introduction à la Bible, 1
BS475 .S3 Cursus Scripturæ Sacræ : seminariorum usui accommodatus : eo intuitu ut facilius sanctuarii candidati juxta regulam SS. Patrum ad sacri textus intelligentiam solide simul ac practice instituantur / 1
BS475 .S3 1870 Cursus Scripturæ Sacræ : seminariorum usui accommodatus : eo intuitu ut facilius sanctuarii candidati juxta regulam SS. Patrum ad sacri textus intelligentiam solide simul ac practice instituantur / 1
BS475 .S3 1870b Cursus Scripturæ Sacræ : seminariorum usui accommodatus : eo intuitu ut facilius sanctuarii candidati juxta regulam SS. Patrum ad sacri textus intelligentiam solide simul ac practice instituantur / 1
BS475 .S3 1880 Prolegomena in S. Scripturam / 1
BS475 .S4 Practical handbook for the study of the Bible and of Bible literature; including Biblical geography, antiquities, introduction to the Old and the New testament, and hermeneutics, 1
BS475 .S5 Scripture manual, directed to the interpetation of Biblical Revelation. 1
BS475 .S8 1958 Biblical criticism. 1
BS475 .U25 1877 Introductio in sacram scripturam : ad usum scholarum Pont. Seminarii Romani et Collegii Urbani / 1
BS475 .V3 Concerning the Holy Bible : its use and abuse / 1
BS475 .V3 5 Concerning the Holy Bible; its use and abuse. 1
BS475 .V69 Manuel biblique : ou, cours d'écriture sainte a l'usage des séminaires / 1
BS475 .V69 1917 Manuel Biblique ou cours d'ecriture sainte a l'usage des seminaires ... 1
BS475 .Z2 1898 Divina inspiratio Sacrarum Scripturarum ad mentem S. Thomae Aquinatis / 1
BS475.2 .A94 1960 The Word of God; approaches to the mystery of the Sacred Scriptures. 1
BS475.2 .B25 1998 Inside the Bible : an introduction to each book of the Bible / 1
BS475.2 .B28 1964 Conversation with the Bible. 1