Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS540 .B28 The scope and authority of the Bible / 1
BS540 .B4453 The Bible in America : essays in cultural history / 1
BS540 .B44533 2017 The Bible in American life / 1
BS540 .B44534 1995eb The Bible in human society : essays in honour of John Rogerson / 1
BS540 .B4454 Bible interpretation / 1
BS540 .B4457 Biblical and Near Eastern studies : essays in honor of William Sanford LaSor / 1
BS540 .B62 1989 The Books of the Bible / 1
BS540 .F5 The fulfilling of the Scripture : or, An essay shewing the exact accomplishment of the word of God, in his works performed and to be performed / 1
BS540 .F9 1959 The Word of Life; essays on the Bible. 1
BS540 .G2 The Old and New Testaments in their mutual relations / 1
BS 540 G4 3 General introduction to the study of the Holy Scriptures / 1
BS540 .G7713 1984 God of the lowly : socio-historical interpretations of the Bible / 1
BS540 .H5 1961 Come down, Zacchaeus; adventures in Scripture. 1
BS540 .H9 1965 The Human reality of Sacred Scripture. 1
BS540 .J7 1818 Lectures on the figurative language of the Holy Scripture, and the interpretation of it from the Scripture itself. : To which are added, four lectures on the relation between the Old and New Testaments, as it is set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. : Also, a single lecture on the natural evidences of Christianity. / 1
BS540 .J87 1989 Justice and the holy : essays in honor of Walter Harrelson / 1
BS540 .K553 1965 The Bible in a new age / 1
BS540 .L3 The religion of the Scriptures; papers from the Catholic Bible Congress held at Cambridge, July 16-19, 1921, 1
BS540 .L383 2018 Ce que dit la Bible sur la Tendresse : Comprendre la parole biblique. 1
BS540 .L46 1946 Perspectives bibliques : conférences données à la Radio Vaticane, les 21 et 28 juillet, les 4, 11 et 29 août 1946 / 1