Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1117 .W5514 1981 Livre des guerres du Seigneur et deux homélies / 1
BT1120 +G3 1612 P. Galatini De arcanis Catholicae veritatis, libri XII, quibus pleraque religionis Christianae capita contra Iudaeos, tam ex Scripturis Veteris Testamenti authenticis, quam ex Talmudicorum commentariis, confirmare & illustrare conatus est. Item, Johannis Reuchlini Phorcensis, De cabala, seu De symbolica receptione, dialogus tribus libris absolutus. 1
BT1120 .P4713 2013eb Against the inveterate obduracy of the Jews / 1
BT1120 .P48 1995 Jacobus Hoogstraeten gegen Johannes Reuchlin : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Antijudaismus im 16. Jahrhundert / 1
BT1120 .T6 1985 "To see ourselves as others see us" : Christians, Jews, "others" in late antiquity / 1
BT1160 .K34 2007eb Debate and dialogue : Christian and pagan cultures c. 360-430 / 1
BT1170 Did Muhammad Exist? : an Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins.
The Qur'an and its biblical reflexes : investigations into the genesis of a religion.
BT1170.M673 R64 2005 Abujamin menggugat Islamic invasion / 1
BT1170 .S65 2002 Islam unveiled : disturbing questions about the world's fastest growing faith / 1
BT1170 .S65 2003eb Islam unveiled : disturbing questions about the world's fastest-growing faith / 1
BT1170.T35 K43 2006 Defending the "people of truth" in the early Islamic period : the Christian apologies of Ab{macr}u R{macr}ííai{dotb}tah / 1
BT1180 .L6 1805 A short and easy method with deists : wherein the certainty of the Christian religion is demonstrated by infallible proof from four rules, in a letter to a friend. 1
BT1180 .M34 2000 Jonathan Edwards confronts the gods : Christian theology, Enlightenment religion, and non-Christian faiths / 1
BT1200 .B4 1822 Le déisme réfute par lui-même : ou, Examen, en forme de lettres, des principes d'incrédulité répandus dans les divers ouvrages de J. -J. Rousseau / 1
BT1200 .M5 The Christian and the world of unbelief. 1
BT1200 .R5 1953 Paganisme ou christianisme; étude sur l'athéisme moderne. 1
BT1210 Voces.
Tolkien & Lewis : myth, imagination & the quest for meaning.
BT1210 .C3 1913 L'athéisme et l'existence de Dieu; conférences apologétiques / 1
BT1210 .C5 1952 A Christian view of men and things; the Payton lectures delivered in condensed form at the Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, 1951. 1
BT1210 .C7 Must we all become atheists? 1