Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT482.O36 2012 Believing in the Resurrection : the Meaning and Promise of the Risen Jesus. 1
BT482 .V47 2008 The Resurrection / 1
BT482 .V56 2011eb Christ's Resurrection in early Christianity : and the making of the New Testament / 1
BT485 .B6 Our risen King's forty days, 1
BT485 .S8 1955 Days of joy; thoughts for all times. 1
BT485 .W9 1960 Graces of the risen Christ, 1
BT500 Ascension Theology. 1
BT500 .D33 2004 Jesus Ascended : the Meaning of Christ's Continuing Incarnation. 1
BT500 .F37 1999 Ascension and ecclesia : on the significance of the doctrine of the Ascension for ecclesiology and Christian cosmology / 1
BT520 The unknown life of Jesus Christ : the original text of Nicolas Notovitch's 1887 discovery / 1
BT520 .D6 The Apocryphal and legendary life of Christ ; being the whole body of the Apocryphal gospels and other extra canonical literature which pretends to tell of the life and words of Jesus Christ, including much matter which has not before appeared in English. In continuous narrative form, with notes, Scriptural references, prolegomena, and indices / 1
BT520 .G9 Legends of the Virgin and Christ, with special references to literature and art, 1
BT540 .W3 The story of Jesus in the world's literature, 1
BT540 .W8 1944 Behold the Man : an anthology of Jesus Christ / 1
BT550 .A9 1922 The poets' life of Christ; 1
BT550 .E2 A string of sapphires : being mysteries of the life and death of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ / 1
BT550 .E2 1920 A string of sapphires; being mysteries of the life and death of our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, put into English rhyme for young and simple / 1
BT550 .G5 Elogia patriarcharum, et Christi Jesu Dei hominis, Emanuelis Thesauri Patritii Taurinensis et Aloysii Juglaris è Societate Jesu : quibus ob praestantiam & antiquitatem adjunctum est Testamentum XII. filiorum Jacob, longissimo tempore Judaeorum invidia ab usu Christianorum subtractum & absconditum, abhinc vero annis CCCXXII. Latinitate donatum ab episcopo Lincolinensi Roberto II. 1
BT550 .G5 4 Aloysii Ivglaris ... Christvs Iesvs, hoc est Elogiorvm pars prima, divina continens. 1
BT550 .H8 Las XVII. Elegias de la pasion de Nuestro Señor Jesu-Christo / 1