BX1529 +H67
Histoire du différend d'entre le pape Boniface VIII et Philippes le Bel, roy de France, où l'on voit ce qui se passa touchant cette affaire depuis l'an 1296 jusques en l'an 1311, sous les Pontificats de Boniface VIII, Benoist XI & Clement V, ensemble le proces criminel fait a Bernard, evesque de Pamiez, l'an MCCXCV. Le tout justifié par les actes & memoires prissur les originaux qui sont au tresor des chartes du Roy. |
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BX1529 .L4 1873
The revival of priestly life in the seventeenth century in France; a sketch |
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Histoire de l'Église gallicane : dédiée à nosseigneurs du clergé. / |
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BX1529 .M36 1998
Church and society in eighteenth-century France / Church and society in eighteenth-century France : |
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BX1529 .M36eb vol. 1
Church and society in eighteenth-century France. |
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BX1529 .M36eb vol. 2
Church and society in eighteenth-century France. |
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BX1529.M362 1998eb
Church and society in eighteenth-century France. |
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BX1529 .P37 2004
The church in the republic : Gallicanism & political ideology in Renaissance France / |
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BX1529 .P37 2004eb
The church in the republic : Gallicanism & political ideology in Renaissance France / |
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BX1529 .P45 2008
Canon law, careers and conquest : Episcopal elections in Normandy and Greater Anjou, c.1140-c.1230 / |
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BX1529 .P8 1774
Institutiones catholicae in modum catecheseos : in quibus quidquid ad religionis historiam & ecclesiae dogmata, mores, sacramenta, preces, usus & ceremonias pertinet, totum id brevi compendio ex sacris fontibus scripturae & traditionis explanatur ex Gallico idiomate in Latinum sermonem translatae, adjectis singulis e scriptura & traditione petitis probationibus & testimoniis / |
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BX1529.R14 A3 1962
Girolamo Ragazzoni évêque de Bergame, nonce en France; correspondance de sa nonciature 1583-1586. |
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BX1529 .R56 1964
The register of Eudes of Rouen. |
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BX1529 .R59 2001
A lust for virtue : Louis XIV's attack on sin in seventeenth-century France / |
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BX1529 .R59 2001eb
A lust for virtue : Louis XIV's attack on sin in seventeenth-century France / |
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BX1529 +R6 1949
Reply to the principal points of the argument, which is falsely entitled Catholic, for the succession of Henry of Navarre to the Kingdom of France, |
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BX1529 .V47 1986
Le presbytère et la chaumière : curés et villageois dans l'ancienne France (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles) / |
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BX1529 .W75 2010
The divisions of French Catholicism, 1629-1645 : 'the parting of the ways / |
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BX1529 .W75 2011
The divisions of French Catholicism, 1629-1645 : '"the parting of the ways" / |
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Jazz Age Catholicism : Mystic Modernism in Postwar Paris, 1919-1933. |
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