Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX1756 .L77 Sermons preached for the most part in Manchester / 1
BX1756 .L8 Apostolic succession : a sermon preached on the feast of St. Matthias, 1897, at the episcopal consecration of Right Rev. Edmond F. Prendergast ... / 1
BX 1756 L8s Sermons and lectures / by Rev. J.F. Loughlin. 1
BX1756 .L9 At the parting of the ways; and other discourses / 1
BX1756 .L95 Homiletische Predigten auf das ganze Kirchenjahr. 1
BX1756 .L956 1585 In omnes R.P.F. Ludovici Granatensis Sacrae Theologiae professori, monachi Dominicani : Conciones, indices duo locupletissimi, quorum prior, res omnes, ac sententias scitu dignas, continet, posterior verò loca scripturae sacre exposita, ostendit. 1
BX1756 .L956 1612 R.P.F. Ludovici Granatensis ... Conciones de tempore et sanctis in epitomen redactæ. In qua ipsa concionum medulla continetur : in gratiam eorum qui breuitati student, seruato stylo, flosculis item, & verborum elegantia, accuratè concinnata, & nunc primùm in lucem edita / 1
BX1756 M1 1 Sermons du Révérend Père de Mac Carthy 1
BX 1756 M1 3 Sermons of the Abbé Mac Carthy, S.J. / 1
BX 1756 M1 5 Sermons du Révérend Père de Mac Carthy ... 1
BX 1756 M1 7 Sermons, for Sundays and festivals ... / 1
BX 1756 M1 9 Sermons, for Sundays and festivals ... / 1
BX1756 .M11 1965 Homilies for the new liturgy. 1
BX1756 .M12 The unknown God, 1
BX 1756 M12b The brazen serpent. 1
BX1756 .M13 The symbol in sermons : a series of twenty-five short sermons on the articles of the creed / 1
BX1756 .M134 Sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary / 1
BX1756 .M134 1892 Sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary / 1
BX1756 .M136 Three-minute homilies, 1
BX1756 .M14 Father Tim's talks with people he met, 1