Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2250 .S2 Why Catholic marriage is different, 1
BX2250 +S2 Dispvtationvm de sancto matrimonii sacramento tomi tres : qui vniuersam huius argumenti tractationem complectuntur, vt quarta docebit pagina / 1
BX2250 +S2 3 Disputationum de matrimonij sacramento / 1
BX2250 +S2 4 Disputationum de sancto matrimonii sacramento, : tomi tres, / 1
BX2250 .S3 Schema tractatus de matrimonio / 1
BX2250 .S3 1964 The sacrament of matrimony, a dogmatic study. 1
BX2250 .S33 Marriage : human reality and saving mystery / 1
BX2250 .S4 Marriage, 1
BX2250 .S4 1941 Marriage / 1
BX2250 .S48 1999 Crossing the threshold of love : a new vision of marriage in the light of John Paul II's anthropology / 1
BX2250 .S57 Marriage today; a commentary on the Code of canon law in the light of Vatican II and the ecumenical age. 1
BX2250 .S575 1983 The savage sacrament : a theology of marriage after American feminism / 1
BX2250 .T46 1980 Beginning your marriage / 1
BX2250 .T47 1985 Exhortation à la chasteté / 1
BX2250 .V2 1952 Eve and the Gryphon / 1
BX2250 .W73 Divorce and remarriage in the Catholic Church. 1
BX2250 .W9 The word of God on true marriage. 1
BX2250 ǂb H62 1993eb Finality & Marriage. 1
BX2254 .M33 1984 Divorce and remarriage / 1
BX2254 .M56 Ministering to the divorced Catholic / 1