Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX3702.A2 +I3 Imago primi sæcvli Societatis Iesv a provincia Flandro-Belgica eivsdem societatis representata ... 1
BX3702.A2 M5 Le Mercvre Iesvite: ou Recveil des pieces, concernants le progrés des Iesvites, leurs escrits, & differents: depuis l'an 1620. iusqu'à l'annee 1626 : le tovt fidelement rapporté par pieces publiques & actes authentiques selon l'ordre des temps. 1
BX3702.A2 P6 De symbolis heroicis libri IX / 1
BX3702 .A77 1975 A planet to heal : reflections and forecasts / 1
BX3702 .B2 The Jesuit enigma, 1
BX3702 .B8 La Compagnie de Jésus / 1
BX3702 .C6 Bolla del sommo pontefice Clemente XIV. volgarizzata col testo latino a confronto per benefizio degli idioti. Nella quale si dichiara soppresso l'Istituto dei Gesuiti. 1
BX3702 .C7 Who are the Jesuits?
Who are the Jesuits? /
BX3702 .C74 Concerning Jesuits. 1
BX3702 .C96 Jesuits and music ... A study of the musicians connected with the German College in Rome during the 17th century and of their activities in Northern Europe ... 1
BX3702 .D1 1940 The Jesuit in focus. 1
BX3702 .D6 Disceptatio de secretis societatis Iesv inter D. Ioannem Canonicum Vratislauiensem, D. Lvdovivicvm Iurisconsutum Brandeburgicum, P. Adamvm Contzen Societat. Iesv habita. 1
BX3702 .D68 The image of the Society of Jesus in German literature from Fischart to Hochhuth / 1
BX3702 .D8 Jesuiten-fabeln. Ein Beitrag zur Culturgeschichte. 1
BX 3702 D8 3 Jesuiten-fabeln. Ein Beitrag zur Culturgeschichte. 1
BX3702 .F3 1878 Le guerre aux Jesuites ; ou, Les Jesuites et la persecution / 1
BX3702 .F9 The power and secret of the Jesuits, 1
BX 3702 F9 3 The power and secret of the Jesuits. 1
BX3702 .G1 1844 Ad patres ac fratres Societatis Jesu de plena cognitione instituti opusculum / 1
BX3702 .G6 The Jesuits, 1