Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX3714 +B8 Chronica da Companhia de Jesus do Estado do brazil e do que obraram seus filhos nesta parte do novo mundo; entrada da Companhia de Jesus nas parted do Brasil ... 1
BX3714.P2 C9 A vanished Arcadia : being some account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 1607-1767 / 1
BX 3714 P2 C9 1 A vanished Arcadia; being some account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 1607 to 1767, 1
BX 3714 P2 C9 4 A vanished Arcadia; being some account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 1607 to 1767, 1
BX3714.P2 F3 1733 Historica relatio, de apostolicis missionibus patrum Societatis Jesu apud Chiquitos, Paraquariæ populos, primò hispano idiomate 1
BX3714.P2 G6 Der christlich-sociale Staat der Jesuiten in Paraguay / 1
BX3714.P2 K7 In Jesuit land, the Jesuit missions of Paraguay, 1
BX3714.P2 R859 1993 The spiritual conquest accomplished by the Religious of the Society of Jesus in the provinces of Paraguay, Paraná, Uruguay, and Tape / 1
BX3714.P2 S8 Catalogo de los Jesuitas de la Provincia del Paraguay (Cuenca del Plata), 1585-1768 / 1
BX3715 .B57 2003 The Jesuits and the Thirty Years War : kings, courts, and confessors / 1
BX3715 .C6713 1999 On the suppression of the Society of Jesus : a contemporary account / 1
BX3715 .D1 The new conspiracy against the Jesuits, detected and briefly exposed; with a short account of their institute and observations on the danger of systems of education independent of religion. 1
BX3715 .G39 2012 Jesuit civil wars : theology, politics and government under Tirso González (1687-1705) / 1
BX3715 .L37 1989 The Jesuits and the Third Reich / 1
BX3715 .L37 2005 The Jesuits and the Third Reich / 1
BX3715 .L3716 2008 I Gesuiti e il Terzo Reich / 1
BX3715 .L376 2015 100 Heroic Jesuits of the Second World War / 1
BX3715 .S65 2004 The suppression of the Society of Jesus / 1
BX3716 .B14 A sparing discoverie of our English Jesuits 1601, 1
BX 3716 B14r Relatio compendiosa turbarum quas Iesuitae Angli 1