Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX7990.H615.S26 1999 Saints in Exile : the Holiness-Pentecostal Experience in African American Religion and Culture. 1
BX7990.H95 P37 2003 Liturgi alternatif : menghindarkan kebosanan beribadah : solusi baru meningkatkan mutu ibadah gereja / 1
BX7990.H95 S49 2004 Tahbisan istimewa : hikayat pelayanan keperintisan Pendeta Josia Hutabarat dan keterlibatannya menjadi korban dalam kemelut besar jemaat Batakmission Medan pada dasawarsa 1920-1930-an / 1
BX7990.H95 S493 2005 Terpanggil menjadi garam dunia : 50 tahun HKBP Menteng-Jalan Jambu, Jakarta dalam perjalanan pelayanannya, 25 September 1955-25 September 2005 / 1
BX7990.H95 S53 2002 Pelayanan kontemporer dalam masyarakat majemuk : pengabdian Ephorus Emeritus Ds. Dr. Tunggul S. Sihombing. 1
BX 7990 I68 M1t 1959 The vanishing evangelist: the Aimee Semple McPherson kidnapping affair. 1
BX7990.I68 M32 1993 Aimee Semple McPherson : everybody's sister / 1
BX7990.I68 M326 1993 Sister Aimee : the life of Aimee Semple McPherson / 1
BX7990.I685 J46 2005eb Awesome families : the promise of healing relationships in the International Churches of Christ / 1
BX7990.J4 S9 1945 The Jehovah's witnesses, 1
BX 7990 L2 S3 P8 Anna van Schurman, artist, scholar, saint; 1
BX8007 .B66 The encyclopedia of the Lutheran Church, 1
BX8011.A1 M44 The Maturing of American Lutheranism; essays in honor of Willard Dow Allbeck upon the completion of thirty years as Wittenberg Synod Professor of Historical Theology at Hamma School of Theology, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio. 1
BX8011 .B71 The way to freedom; 1935-1939, from the Collected works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 1
BX8011 .B71 1966 The way to freedom; letters, lectures and notes, 1935-1939, from the Collected Works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, volume II. 1
BX8011 .P54 1704 Augusti Pfeifferi ... Opera omnia quae extant philologica ; quorum syllabus exhibetur post praefationem. 1
BX8018 .L88 2008 Lutheran ecclesiastical culture, 1550-1675 / 1
BX8020 A magnificent faith : art and identity in Lutheran Germany / 1
BX8020 .D4 1934 Die erste Bekenntnissynode der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche zu Barmen / 1
BX8020 .D4 1934b Die Erste Bekenntnissynode der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche zu Barmen / 1