Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX920.M4 W2 1937 I remember Maynooth / 1
BX920.R66 A4 1864 Cenni cronologici della storia del Pontificio Seminario Romano e descrizione della festa centenaria celebrata in S. Apollinare compiendosi il terzo secolo dalla fondazione del seminario medesimo. 1
BX920.R76 G2 A history of the venerable English college, Rome : an account of its origins and work from the earliest times to the present day / 1
BX920.R76 +R75 Roman echoes; an annual publication of the undergraduate students of the North American College. 1
BX920.R86 B8 History of the American College of the Roman Catholic church of the United States, Rome, Italy, 1
BX920.R86 D6 1942 The house on Humility Street : Memories of the North American College in Rome / 1
BX920.R86 M1 1956 The American College in Rome, 1855-1955. 1
BX920.R8848 C37 University of the nations : the story of the Gregorian University with its associated institutes, the Biblical and Oriental, 1551-1962 / 1
BX920.R96 S8 Geschichte des Collegium Germanicum Hungaricum in Rom. 1
BX920.S1 C5 1911 Histoire du Séminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe : depuis sa fondation jusqu'a nos jours. 1
BX921 .C85 1964 Theology and the university, an ecumenical investigation. 1
BX921 .E24 Education for the future. 1
BX921 .H7 1964 Pastoral catechetics, 1
BX921 .I5 1976 Instructions in the Catholic faith / 1
BX921 .M11 Who is a Catholic? 1
BX921 .M25 Catechetics: a theology of proclamation. 1
BX921 .T6 To teach as Jesus did : a pastoral message on Catholic education, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, November, 1972. 1
BX922 .B43 2014 Becoming beholders : cultivating sacramental imagination and actions in college classrooms / 1
BX922.C38 1998eb Catholic Theology in the University : Source of Wholeness. 1
BX922 .M56 1992 The mind and heart of the church : papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Wethersfield Institute, New York City, September 20, 1991 / 1