Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX946 .F8 1954 Christianity is revolutionary. 1
BX946 .F86 2003 Global Catholicism : portrait of a world church / 1
BX946 .G2 1854 Popery, the man of sin and the son of perdition : being the second prize essay of the Evangelical Alliance / 1
BX946 +I8 1950 Ecclesia Christi domus pacis : la Gioventú Italiana di Azione Cattolica al Santo Padre nell'Anno Santo 1950 = The Italian Youth of Catholic Action to the Holy Father on the occasion of the Holy Year 1950... / 1
BX946 .K9 L'Église aux tournants de l'Histoire / 1
BX 946 K9 1 The church at the turning points of history, 1
BX946 .K9 1924 What are the Middle Ages? /
The church at the turning points of history /
BX946 .N66 2005 A church that can and cannot change : the development of Catholic moral teaching / 1
BX946 .P96 Prophets in the church. 1
BX946 .S5 1953 The human element in the Church of Christ. 1
BX946 .S5 1954 The human element in the Church of Christ. 1
BX946 .W2 The world's debt to the Catholic Church, 1
BX948 .C9 1938 Great moments in Catholic history; 100 memorable events in Catholic history told in picture and story, 1
BX948 .D3 A history of religion; or, The evidences for the divinity of the Christian religion as furnished by its history; from the creation of the world to our own times. 1
BX948 .D7 Outlines of church history : adapted from the German of the Very Rev. Theodore Dreher / 1
BX948 .D96 1967 Histoire du catholicisme, 1
BX948 .E1 Ecclesiastical history, abridged for the use of schools. 1
BX948 .G1 A compendious abstract of the history of the church of Christ : from its first foundation to the eighteenth century / 1
BX948 .G4 Manual of church history. 1
BX948 .H3 The student's church history, 1