Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB365 .K2 Die Anfänge der Renaissance und die Kultgesellschaften des Humanismus im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. 1
CB365 .U9 1961 The forward movement of the fourteenth century. 1
CB367 L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400-1600) : 1
CB367 .A15 1995 Das 16. Jahrhundert : europäische Renaissance / 1
CB367 .A4 The age of Erasmus; lectures delivered in the universities of Oxford and London, 1
CB367 +C57 1991 Circa 1492 : art in the age of exploration / 1
CB367 .C6813 1987 Eros and magic in the Renaissance / 1
CB367 .G73 2001 Bring out your dead : the past as revelation / 1
CB367 .H35 1994 The civilization of Europe in the Renaissance / 1
CB367 .H43 2011eb Hebraic aspects of the Renaissance : sources and encounters / 1
CB367 .J67 The age of recovery; the fifteenth century 1
CB367 .L36 2016eb Greece reinvented : transformations of Byzantine Hellenism in Renaissance Italy / 1
CB367 .M35 1991 The modern age and the recovery of ancient wisdom : a reconsideration of historical consciousness, 1450-1650 / 1
CB367 +M93 Leçons sur l'humanisme et la Renaissance de la fin du XVe siécle au milieu du XVIe, 1
CB367 .R47 2004eb Reputation and representation in fifteenth century Europe / 1
CB367 .S7 1979 L'humanisme allemand : 1480-1540 ; XVIIIe Colloque International de Tours. 1
CB367 .W2 The century of Columbus, 1
CB369 .C66 2018eb A companion to the Spanish Renaissance / 1
CB369 .H4 1950 The counter-Renaissance. 1
CB369 .M36 1992 A world lit only by fire : the medieval mind and the Renaissance : portrait of an age / 1