CB57 .W1
Civilization past and present |
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CB57 .W1 1996
Civilization past & present / |
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CB57 .W9
The march of civilization ... |
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CB58 .H8 1946
Humanities 2 : syllabus and selected readings / |
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CB59 .B85
Civilization in the West |
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CB59 .C23
The history of popular culture, |
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CB59 .C54
The other side of Western Civilization; readings in everyday life. |
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CB59 .C55
Early history & Christ; a prophetic history of ancient times. |
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CB59 .C68
Democritus and the sources of Greek anthropology, |
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CB59 .D38
Arts and cultures of man |
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CB59 .G43
Hangups from way back: historical myths and canons |
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CB59 .G43 1974
Hangups from way back: historical myths and canons |
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CB59 .H65
The light of the past; a treasury of Horizon. |
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CB59 .H77
Understanding culture. |
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CB59 +H8
The light of the past; a treasury of Horizon. |
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CB59 .J92 1966
A history of civilization |
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CB59 .K12
Out of the labyrinth; essays in clarification. |
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CB59 .K52
A History of civilization, the story of our heritage. |
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CB59 .K9 1962
A roster of civilizations and culture. |
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CB59 .M16 1963
The rise of the West; a history of the human community. |
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