CE59 .I99 2003
Fiqh hisab rukyah di Indonesia : upaya penyatuan mazhab rukyah dengan mazhab hisab / |
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CE59 .P88 2006
Old Muslim calendars of Southeast Asia / |
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CE61.C6 S8
The Year Names of China and Japan. |
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CE61.F8 S56 2010eb
Religion and the politics of time : holidays in France from Louis XIV through Napoleon / |
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CE61.G3 G8 1982
Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit / |
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CE61.I8 .T564 2021
Time in the Eternal City Perceiving and Controlling Time in Late Medieval and Renaissance Rome. |
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CE61.P15 G2 1958
Le calendrier palestino-géorgien du Sinaiticus 34 (Xe siècle) / |
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CE61.S7 C36 1996
El calendario medieval hispano : textos e imágenes, siglos XI-XIV / |
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CE73 .A1
The world calendar; addresses and occasional papers chronologically arranged on the progress of calendar reform since 1930, |
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CE 73 A1c 1943
The calendar for everybody, |
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CE73 .A1ca 1959
The calendar for the modern age. |
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CE 73 A1o 1955
Of time and the calendar. |
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CE73 .J6
Thirteen-month calendar, |
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CE73 .N68 2018
Scandalous error : calendar reform and calendrical astronomy in medieval Europe / |
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CE73 .S8
The world's work and the calendar; telling the story of the evolution of the Julian-Gregorian calendar, of how it failed to anticipate the needs of a changed civilization, and of the international undertaking to improve it, |
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CE73 .W7
The romance of the calendar, |
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CE76 .A6 1941
The Christian calendar and the Gregorian reform |
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CE77 .P47 2012
Calendar in revolutionary france : perceptions of time in literature, culture, politics. |
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CE83 .M65 2008eb
The Easter computus and the origins of the Christian era / |
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CE91 .C2 1906
Cronologia e calendario perpetuo ; Tavole chronografiche e quadri sinottici per verificare le date storiche dal principio dell̕Era Cristiana ai giorni nostri. |
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