Call Number (LC) Title Results
D264 .A35 2018eb Courage and grief : women and Sweden's Thirty Years' War / 1
D264 .R56 1996 Identity, interest, and action : a cultural explanation of Sweden's intervention in the Thirty Years War / 1
D264 .S3 Gustav Adolf in Deutschland, 1630-1632. 1
D269 .A138 1998 1648, Krieg und Frieden in Europa / 1
D269 .B7 1744 Histoire des guerres et des negociations qui precederent le traité de Westphalie, sous le Regne de Louis XIII, & le Ministere du Cardinal Richelieu & du Cardinal Mazarin. 1
D269 .B7 1767 Histoire des guerres et des négociations qui précéderent le traité de Westphalie, : sous le règne de Louis XIII. & le ministere des cardineaux Richelieu & Mazarin. : Composée sur les Mémoires du comte d'Avaux ... / 1
D269 .R474 2015 Dreißigjähriger Krieg und Westfälischer Friede Studien und Quellen. 3. Auflage. 1
D270.W19 M28 Wallenstein; sein Leben erzählt. 1
D270.W19 S3 Wallenstein und die zeit des dreissigjährigen krieges; 1
D270.W19 W3 1938 Wallenstein, soldier under Saturn, 1
D270.W4 .K747 2020 Friedrich Freiherr Kreß Von Kressenstein Bayerischer General und Orientkenner. Lebenserinnerungen, Tagebücher und Berichte 1914-1946. 1
D271.I8 Italy 1636 : cemetery of armies / 1
D273 The age of Louis XIV : a history of European civilization in the period of Pascal, Molière, Cromwell, Milton, Peter the Great, Newton, and Spinoza, 1648--1715 / 1
D273.A2 S92 1974 War, diplomacy, and imperialism, 1618-1763. 1
D273.A2 T2 The works of Sir William Temple Bart, : complete in four volumes octavo. : To which is prefixed, The life and character of the author. 1
D273 .B32 1979 Rationalism and revolution, 1660-1815 / 1
D273 .B4 1954 The age of absolutism, 1660-1815. 1
D273 .D69 1992 The old European order, 1660-1800 / 1
D273 .E97 1997eb Europe, 1648 Map / 1
D273 .R12 The struggle for stability in early modern Europe / 1