Call Number (LC) Title Results
D805.G3 S683 1998 But I survived / 1
D805.G3 S685 Les Belges déportés à Dora et dans ses kommandos / 1
D805.G3 S7 Don't fence me in! : an American teenager in the holocaust / 1
D805.G3 S74 1950a Parochie in de hel / 1
D805.G3 T5413 Ravensbrück / 1
D805.G3T79 2004 The Labyrinth of Dangerous Hours : a Memoir of the Second World War. 1
D805.G3 T856 1995 I light a candle / 1
D805.G3 U5 Atrocities and other conditions in concentration camps in Germany. Report of the Committee requested by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower through the Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall to the Congress of the United States relative to atrocities and other conditions in concentration camps in Germany ... 1
D 805 G3 + U57 1979 Dachau / 1
D805.G3 W35 1990 KZ-Häftlingsnummer 29 373 : Pater August Benninghaus SJ aus Druchhorn / 1
D805.G3 W38 Beyond the last path; 1
D805.G3 W464 2011 Where birds never sang : Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen concentration camps / 1
D805.G3 W5713 2006 Inside a Gestapo prison : the letters of Krystyna Wituska, 1942-1944 / 1
D805.G3 W5713 2006eb Inside a Gestapo prison : the letters of Krystyna Wituska, 1942-1944 / 1
D805.G3 W59 1992 Ravensbrück : the largest women's concentration camp in Germany / 1
D805.G3 W62 1985 Le retour des déportés : quand les alliés ouvrirent les portes-- / 1
D805.G3 Y5513 A priest in Stutthof; human experiences in the world of subhuman. 1
D805.G3 Z92 1980 I came back. 1
D805.G7 In the highest degree odious : detention without trial in wartime Britain / 1
D805.G7 B454 1999 No picnic on Mount Kenya / 1