Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA258 .S4 The life and reign of Edward the Fourth, King of England and France and Lord of Ireland, 1
DA258 .S61 The reign of Edward IV 1
DA258 .T57 1988 Three chronicles of the reign of Edward IV / 1
DA258 .V344 1995 The politics of fifteenth-century England : John Vale's book / 1
DA259 .W45 1994 The princes in the tower / 1
DA260 Bones of a king : Richard III rediscovered /
Digging for Richard III : How Archaeology Found the King.
DA260 .A1 Richard III / 1
DA260 .B46 1993 The Battle of Bosworth / 1
DA260 .B92 The history of the life and reigne of Richard the Third. 1
DA260 .C68 1984 The Coronation of Richard III : the extant documents / 1
DA260 .D73 1989 The trial of Richard III / 1
DA260 +F63 2013 Bosworth 1485 : a battlefield rediscovered / 1
DA260 .G55 1999 Richard III and Buckingham's Rebellion / 1
DA260 .H2 1985 Richard III : the road to Bosworth Field / 1
DA260 .H218 2013 Richard III and the Bosworth Campaign / 1
DA260 .H22 2018 The children of Richard III / 1
DA260 .H23 Richard III and his early historians, 1483-1535 / 1
DA260 .H53 1991 Richard III : the man behind the myth / 1
DA260 .H53 2019 Richard III : the self-made king / 1
DA260 .H54 2019 Richard III : the self-made king / 1