Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA565.C38 B78 1988 England's "Prussian minister" : Edwin Chadwick and the politics of government growth, 1832-1854 / 1
DA565.C4 A3 1953 A political memoir, 1880-92. 1
DA565.C4 C48 1991 Chamberlain and the lost peace / 1
DA565.C4 G2 1932 The life of Joseph Chamberlain / 1
DA565.C4 G2h Parnell, Joseph Chamberlain and Mr. Garvin, 1
DA565.C4 G9 1926 Joseph Chamberlain and English social politics, 1
DA565.C4 H96 Joseph Chamberlain and Liberal reunion: the Round Table Conference of 1887. 1
DA565.C4 J39 Joseph Chamberlain, a political study / 1
DA565.C4 K95 The administration of imperialism: Joseph Chamberlain at the Colonial Office 1
DA565.C4 .N488 2017 The Chamberlain Legacy. 1
DA565.C4 .R4454 2018eb The Birmingham Political Machine : Winning Elections for Joseph Chamberlain. 1
DA565.C4 S91 Joseph Chamberlain and the theory of imperialism, 1
DA565.C5 A3 The story of my life / 1
DA565.C56 K9 1943 Young Lady Randolph; the life and times of Jennie Jerome, American mother of Winston Churchill, 1
DA565.C6 F67 Lord Randolph Churchill, a political life / 1
DA565.C6 J2 1960 Lord Randolph Churchill; Winston Churchill's father. 1
DA565.C61 M38 Jennie: the life of Lady Randolph Churchill, 1
DA565.C7 C6 Life & correspondence of John Duke lord Coleridge, lord chief justice of England, 1
DA565.C86 G64 Life of Lord Courtney, 1
DA565.C9 G55 1995 Curzon / 1