Call Number (LC) Title Results
DB957 .R32 Hungary and the superpowers; the 1956 Revolution and Realpolitik. 1
DB957 .S95 1968 Boy on the rooftop. 1
DB957 .T53 1989 Uprooted : my escape from Hungary / 1
DB957 +U5 1957 Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary. 1
DB957 .Z79 1962 Revolution in Hungary. 1
DB957.3 .K67 2006 Journey to a revolution : a personal memoir and history of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 / 1
DB957.3.K6813 2002 Carrying a Secret in My Heart : Children of Political Victims of the Revolution in Post-1956 Hungary: An Oral History. 1
DB957.3 .K6813 2003eb Carrying a secret in my heart-- : children of the victims of the reprisals after the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 : an oral history / 1
DB957.5.C49 S43 2006 Twelve days : the story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution / 1
DB958.3 Politics and society in Hungary : (de-)democratization, Orbán and the EU / 1
DB958.3 .A58 2019 The rise of Hungarian populism : state autocracy and the Orbán regime / 1
DB958.3 .B74 2020 Brave new Hungary : mapping the "system of national cooperation" / 1
DB958.3 .C66 1993 Hungarians in transition : interviews with citizens of the nineties / 1
DB958.3 .M3413 2016 Post-communist mafia state : the case of Hungary / 1
DB958.3 .S34 2020 The retreat of liberal democracy : authoritarian capitalism and the accumulative state in Hungary / 1
DB958.3 .T94 2017eb Twenty-Five Sides of a Post-Communist Mafia State. 1
DB958.3 .W55 2016 Hungary's crisis of democracy : the road to serfdom / 1
DB975.B173 B36 1985 A Bakony és a Balaton-Felvidék évezredei : vezető a veszprémi Bakonyi Múzeum állandó kiállításához / 1
DB975.M5 R84 The Military Border in Croatia, 1740-1881; a study of an imperial institution 1
DB983.5 .H37 2015 Budapest Scientific : a guidebook / 1