DD247.E5 E48 1983
Eichmann interrogated : transcripts from the archives of the Israeli police / |
1 |
DD247.E5 +E486 1961
Eichmann on Trial : special report / |
1 |
DD247.E5 M35 1990
Eichmann in my hands / |
1 |
DD247.E5 M813 2005
Criminal case 40/61, the trial of Adolf Eichmann : an eyewitness account / |
1 |
DD247.E5 P7 1963
Le procès de Jérusalem; judgement, documents. |
1 |
DD247.E5 S7313 2014
Eichmann before Jerusalem : the unexamined life of a mass murderer / |
1 |
DD247.E6 I23 1997
"Ich habe den Krieg verhindern wollen" : Georg Elser und das Attentat vom 8. November 1939 : eine Dokumentation : Katalog zur Ausstellung / |
1 |
DD247.F57 +S7 1995
SS-Oberführer Fitzhum, Polizie-Präsident in Wien 1938-1940 der das Vermögen der Juden Österreichs an seine illegalen SS-Leute verteilte : in Albanien war er 1942-44 Beauftragter des SS-Reichsführers als SS- Gruppenführer / |
1 |
DD247.F62 F73 1987
Der Vater : eine Abrechnung / |
1 |
DD247.F62 F7313 1991
In the shadow of the Reich / |
1 |
DD247.G38 F7313 1969
Kurt Gerstein, the ambiguity of good. |
1 |
DD247.G38 J64 1971
A spy for God; the ordeal of Kurt Gerstein. |
1 |
DD247.G56 R54 2007
Creator of Nazi death camps : the life of Odilo Globocnik / |
1 |
DD247.G6 A2913 1948
The Goebbels diaries, 1942-1943. |
1 |
DD247.G6 A2913 1971
The Goebbels diaries [1942-1943] |
1 |
DD247.G6 A2913 1978
Final entries, 1945 : the diaries of Joseph Goebbels ; edited, introduced, and annotated by Hugh Trevor-Roper ; translated from the German by Richard Barry. |
1 |
DD247.G6 A2913 1983
The Goebbels diaries, 1939-1941 / |
1 |
DD247.G6 A32 1979
My part in Germany's fight / |
1 |
DD247.G6 H413 1983
Goebbels / |
1 |
DD247.G6 L6513 2015
Goebbels : a biography / |
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