Call Number (LC) Title Results
DD290.29 .R69 2023 Decentralising policy responsibility and political authority in Germany / 1
DD290.29 .S65 2003 The Spirit of the Berlin Republic / 1
DD290.29 .Z45 1995 Germany unified and Europe transformed : a study in statecraft / 1
DD290.3 Intervention and state sovereignty in Central Europe, 1500-1780 /
Germany and the European Union : how chancellor Angela Merkel shaped Europe /
Deutschlands Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach der Vereinigung : Zivilmacht, Handelsstaat oder Mittelmacht?.
DD290.3 .A537 1997 German unification and the union of Europe : the domestic politics of Integration policy / 1
DD290.3 .A537 1999eb DD290.3.A537 1997 German Unification and the Union of Europe : the Domestic Politics of Integration Policy. 1
DD290.3 .A77 2006eb Germany's civilian power diplomacy : NATO expansion and the art of communicative action / 1
DD290.3 .B33 1999 Between sovereignty and integration : German foreign policy and national identity after 1989 / 1
DD290.3 .E73 2003 German foreign policy : navigating a new era / 1
DD290.3 .G47 1993 The Germans and their neighbors / 1
DD290.3 .G473 2001 Germany as a civilian power? : the foreign policy of the Berlin Republic / 1
DD290.3 .G476 2018 Germany in Transition : a Unified Nation's Search for Identity. 1
DD290.3 .G48 1994 Germany's new position in Europe : problems and perspectives / 1
DD290.3.H32 2001eb Nation States as Schizophrenics : Germany and Japan as Post-Cold War Actors. 1
DD290.3 .H93 2000 Germany and European order : enlarging NATO and the EU / 1
DD290.3 .L36 2002eb Strategic dilemmas and the evolution of German foreign policy since unification / 1
DD290.3 .N49 1992 The New Germany and the new Europe / 1
DD290.3 .R43 2004eb Germany and the Baltic problem after the Cold War : the development of a new Ostpolitik, 1989-2000 / 1
DD290.3 .R58 2001 German foreign policy since unification : theories and case studies / 1
DD290.3 .S93 2004 Parting ways : the crisis in German-American relations / 1