DF82 .R62
Exile and politics in early Greece : from the time of Homer to the end of the Archaic period / |
1 |
DF82 .V38 1984
Intellectuals in politics in the Greek world : from early times to the Hellenistic Age / |
1 |
DF82 .W47 1985
The demes of Attica, 508/7-ca. 250 B.C. : a political and social study / |
1 |
DF83 +M4
Athenian financial documents of the fifth century, |
1 |
DF83 +M56
The Athenian tribute lists, |
1 |
DF83 .M56 1937
Documents on Athenian tribute / |
1 |
DF85 .A73 1994
The archaeology of Greek colonisation : essays dedicated to Sir John Boardman / |
1 |
DF85 .C44 1995
The Hellenistic settlements in Europe, the islands, and Asia Minor / |
1 |
DF85 .G89 1958
Abhängige Orte im griechischen Altertum. |
1 |
DF85 .J76
The Greek city from Alexander to Justinian, |
1 |
DF85 .J76c 1971
The cities of the eastern Roman provinces. |
1 |
DF85 .M64
Bridge to Asia : the Greeks in the eastern Mediterranean / |
1 |
DF87 .B97
Griechische Staatskunde. |
1 |
DF87 .C13
Le droit de succession légitime a Athènes |
1 |
DF87.D75 S72
Drakon's Law on homicide, |
1 |
DF87 .G68
Timuchen; ein Beitrag zum griechischen Staatsrecht. |
1 |
DF87 .L76
Das attische Recht und Rechtsverfahren. |
1 |
DF87 .M3
Athenian homicide law in the age of the orators, |
1 |
DF87 .O8 1986
From popular sovereignty to the sovereignty of law : law, society, and politics in fifth-century Athens / |
1 |
DF87 .O88 1986eb
From popular sovereignty to the sovereignty of law : law, society, and politics in fifth-century Athens / |
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